Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Grumpy Gus

I was off yesterday. The whole of it, from getting out of bed until getting back into bed. I tried to read blogs and just could not concentrate. I know what was making me this way. I had watched the debate and was impressed by Harris. That wasn't the problem. My malaise, if that's what it was, came from watching and listening to the other one. I haven't seen much of him since shortly after he left office. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but I was taken aback. He actually could and did get worse. That isn't what put me in a fog. What did was thinking throughout that "debate" that about 40% of the US population thinks this guy is the second coming. That takes the air out of a room.

Ok, 'nuff of that. Trying to explain my absence when I really should just leave it alone. 

We are having warm weather again, leaving wimp me out of yard work. I made an egg bake for dinner, forgot to add the bacon before cooking, so on top it went. Looks sort of like pizza. I'm having trouble with books, meaning finding something to hold my attention. I had a hold on It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. It became available yesterday and I'm going to return it. I don't like the romantic novels and that is where it's going. I'm not going along. It may be a good read, but the overload of sex in so many of these novels gets on my nerves. It's not offensive to me, it's boring. I also have Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. I am not in the mindset for it right now. Way too depressing. I just finished The Story of Edward Sawtelle, this one bothered me. The prose was lovely, but I guess I was not needing something so dark.

I do believe this is enough. I am seeming like that thunder cloud moving in on a summer picnic.


Lori Skoog said...

I get it! This man will finish destroying the planet if he is elected. It's so about hate and retribution.

Anonymous said...

I am forever flummoxed by what it is people see in t****. His behavior is beyond on the pale and totally reprehensible. It is like being in a place called Crazy Town. It was a thing of beauty to see him taken down.
I love the colors and the design of the plate in your photo.
Take Care,

Sandra said...

We will be done as a country.

Sandra said...

It sure was a thing of beauty. Those plates are at least 35 years old. I only have 3 of them left. I like them, too.

Boud said...

This aftereffect is why I didn't watch live, just got clips and quotations next day.
Is an egg bake a sort of crust free quiche?

e said...

It sucks that you are so down. Hugs to you.

Sandra said...

Yes, it is a crustless quiche. Easy to make. It's alarming to fully understand the degree of delusion and gullibility.

Sandra said...

These are alarming times, e.

Anvilcloud said...

Yesterday was a bit of downer for me too. I think I had a rougher night than usual, but I didn’t manage to get to sleep any earlier last night.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

An egg bake is my go-to whenever we have excess veggies and I want to do something easy and crustless is good too. I too have been having a difficult time finding a book to read after finishing all those by Freida McFadden that the local library had available. I enjoy police procedurals, British more than US and do not like the type of books that Colleen Hoover had made popular reads. Killers of the August Moon was depressing and I did not choose to see the film.

Miss Merry said...

I am reading some of my old mysteries. My mind can't handle anymore right now. I did have a huge sigh of relief after the debate but I am sick to my stomach that the race is so close. People are just idiots.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I rather enjoyed the debate. I refuse to let Politics upset me. Neither have a clear agenda and what are they going to do about grocery costs, health insurance and the price of gas.
So you can still afford eggs... $3.79 a dozen up here. I hope I can get on the local farmers list again...$3.00 a dozen..large brown eggs that taste oh so good. Your plate of food looks great:)

Val Ewing said...

I watched that debate too. And then I watched the follow ups. T**** was batsh*t crazy, like the old drunk arshole uncle that showed up to a family dinner and embarrasses everyone.
My thought was, how did he ever get into the White House? And I hope he never gets near it again.

The heat was too much here and I am being a wimp still so I did all the things I needed to do in the early morning.
One thing I noticed about groceries is that packages have gotten smaller with many items and the price has gone up. Let's look at the food industry for price gouging and of course, the gas and oil companies.

They used the pandemic and supply chain shortages to increase their profit margins.

Sandra said...

I am really sorry AC. I had sleep issues for years, so I get it. I stumbled upon melatonin several years ago and it has been a godsend for me.

Sandra said...

I got a couple of chapters into Killers of the August Moon and knew it was the wrong time for me to read it. The other one was even shorter before I returned it. I enjoy British mysteries, too.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, I just don't get it. I do, but I don't. Fear is a powerful drug. Hate is an offshoot of fear. There is a lot of it in the cult.

Sandra said...

On the issue of food and fuel cost there is a decision to be made. Does government have the ability to control prices? In the US the answer is no. What can a president do about the price of eggs, any president? We aren't in an inflationary period at this point. Yet, cost of essentials are still high. What does government do about it? I don't know.
Now, onto food, the was one ofthe best egg bakes I've made!!

Sandra said...

Every single thing you said, Val. All of it.

Marlane said...

I also watched the debate. I was very proud if the way our former President reacted to all the blatant lies that Kamala obviously enjoyed throwing at him. I was alarmed at the depths she went to prove a point. I did not want to hear the graphic descriptions said purely to shock ! Or the repeating of how she was raised in circumstances that were very different from Trump. (But interestingly not Vance.) Please people do your research and do not believe a very biased media.

nick said...

I gather Trump was pumping out one breathtaking lie after another. As you say, extraordinary that he has so many fervent supporters.
I do agree about the overload of sex in so many novels. What do we really need to know except that they slept together, period.

Sandra said...

Marlane, we are on different sides on this, but I respect your right to your opinion. We both have our reasons. I will ask just one thing and not meaning offence. Do you believe immigrants are eating pets in Springfield, OH?

Sandra said...

He was. He can't help himself. These novels seem to be intent on being softporn novels. I'm not in the least interested. What may otherwise be a good story gets lost in over-done sexual description.

Marlane said...

If you go on X and look you will see for yourself. There are several videos.

Pixie said...

trump is toxic to me and to the world, in my opinion. I don't believe in hell but I hope he has to answer to someone, someday, for all of the horrible things he's done and said.
I'm reading a good book right now, "Coppermine" by Keith Ross Leckie. It's set in Edmonton and the far north, in 1916. It's a good book, it holds my interest. Right now, I'm having the same problem, hard to read.
Acutually I did read another good one, "The Leap Year Gene" by Shelley Wood, although I almost stopped reading it when the novel went to Germany of the 1930's. That was only a part of the book that spans one hundred years.

Anonymous said...

Anything by Erik Larson is excellent. Non fiction history stuff. Please check him out. Tim Egan is another one. Shadow Catcher is one of his.
Excellent writers telling fascinating stories.

Sandra said...

Whether we like it or not, what happens in the US affects the world. He can't be in that office again. I wrote these authors names down. Thanks.

Sandra said...

Thank you for the recommendations. I wrote them down.