Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Another Day

Happy Wednesday. We are better than half way through another month. Friday is, hopefully, the last day of heat and humidity. Please let it be so. When it does cool down I plan to start helping in the barn. It's been four years, the first of those because I spent eight months going back and forth to St. Paul nearly every day after my mother died. It took much longer than I anticipated to get the house cleaned out, then I decided to make the place over, which took time. The market was hot so it sold right away when it was finished. It was a long time and  2.5 hours of drive time every day. I can help with cleaning stalls and watering. At least I hope so. It will be good exercise for me. What strange form of human looks forward to scooping manure?

Has anyone else noticed photos are darker when put on blogger? It seems to be a thing. This is a last hurrah of summer. Salmon cake with spicy mayo, sweet corn and a fresh tomato. A perfect combination and fitting for the weather. Our local deli has had very good sweet corn this year. They get eggs, produce and meat from local growers. Also honey. The eggs are large, free range with bright yolks. Worth the extra cost. They smoke the meat themselves. We are fortunate to have it so close.

I read a short article yesterday on the difference between a loner, or lone wolf, and an introvert. I have not felt I am an introvert. Being with people, being in groups of people, does not bother me. I am talkative and certainly not shy. I guess I am a lone wolf. Sounds so much more interesting than recluse! I have often said moving here was not good for me, in that I am too comfortable in my own company and therefore prone to hermitting. When this was a business people were always around, but it's been ten years since I officially shut it down and a couple of years more since things were busy, people-wise. When I read that loners (lone wolf) tend to be opinionated and not shy about sharing said opinions, as well as driven individuals, I felt I found my label. We do need our labels, don't we! Now you know.

So, enough blathering for today. 


Lori Skoog said...

I am so happy to hear that you are getting back to the barn. Being around the horses is so healing to me....just touching them and catching the sweet vibes. I know a heck of a lot of people, but feel that other than playing music and bridge....most of my days are spent at home. I must admit that the opinionated part is also true. It gets me in trouble sometimes.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We are most certainly hermits up here..or maybe loners:) Good to hear you will be back in the barn I bet you will love it. :)

Sandra said...

I used to know a heck of a lot of people but no more. Your days seem so full to my standards, but it's all a matter of interpretation. Living where I do, my opinionated self is not always well received. That's life, I guess. I will see how it goes, I would like to lighten Mark's load.

Sandra said...

You have a wonderful family to engage with, which is a big help. I need to give the barn a good dusting of cobwebs!

Rita said...

Sounds like an interesting article!
Life can shift on you. If you are lucky you can find true joy in mundane tasks that have been out of your reach--like shoveling manure. Being close to the horses will be a healing thing in itself. Enjoy! :)

Anvilcloud said...

I'm an introvert which leads to being a lone wolf at times.

Yes to Blogger darkening photos, at least it seems a bit that way. Occasionally., I remember to lighten a darkish photo before I put it on Blogger.

Sandra said...

I always did my deepest thinking when I was deep in manure, Rita. The horses will be outside but I have been close to them lately as one or another has been having some kind of problem. They have issues as they age, too.

Boud said...

I guess I'm a lone wolf, too. I prefer dealing with even scary stuff alone, can't spend energy on having other people around. Which reminds me: what's wrong with being a hermit? I've heard this before, people going out of their way, even moving into retirement communities because they think they like their own company "too much". I'm baffled.

Sandra said...

My only concern is that I have no backup support if something were to happen to Mark. Over the past few years I have drifted away from the few people I did know. I truly am isolated, other than seeing Bill and occasionally his brother. Once-in-a-while my son.I need to. find some sort of group like you belong to. Otherwise, I don't argue your point!

Miss Merry said...

I like being a Lone Wolf. For a long time I felt I needed to be more sociable. But I am satisfied with my life alone (with my husband). I have to drag myself to participate in crowds these days.

Sandra said...

You went to spam AC. If I had some family or neighbors, something, I'd be happy with that. I have Mark! I had lots of people in my life when I was actively involved with horses, but that dwindled to nothing after awhile. I have noticed it quite a bit, the darkening photos.

Sandra said...

Not having family adds to isolation. I've become boring.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I have always considered myself somewhat of a loner because that's how most of my childhood was spent since there were not any children in my neighborhood. I like meeting people and being with them, but being alone is OK as well.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I feel most of us ambivert.

e said...

I am an introvert and like my own company and prefer peace and quiet these days. I hope getting back to the barn will be good for you. I sometimes wish I could still do things like that.

nick said...

I think of myself as a shy extrovert. I have a lot of extrovert tendencies, I like talking to other people, but I'm too shy to let rip, as it were.
Nothing wrong with being comfortable in your own company. That's hardly a hermitting tendency.