Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Happy Saturday

* I just now remembered where I got this. Thanks, Pixie!


Rita said...

How true! ROFL!! :)

Boud said...

Now that's just mean, taking pictures when I'm just waking up.

Far Side of Fifty said...

:) yes thats about right!

nick said...

Absolutely. I keep thinking, how come I'm 77 all of a sudden. How did that happen?

Sandra said...

Sadly true!!

Sandra said...

I told Mark not to take that photo!

Sandra said...

Don't I know it!

Sandra said...

I sure know about that, nick. It's embarrassing how often I need to remind myself I'm old! My body should be enough to do that for me, but I guess the grey cells are stronger.

Val Ewing said...

This made me laugh! Thanks!

e said...


Lori Skoog said...

Ain't that the truth! Smiling here!!!

Miss Merry said...

I feel like you are spying on me, LOL!

Anvilcloud said...

Too true. Sadly.

Sandra said...

You're welcome!

Sandra said...


Sandra said...

Sadly, it is.

Sandra said...

oops, you caught me!!

Sandra said...

I know.

"Tommy" said...

That hits the Nail squarely on its Head

Val Ewing said...

Well. Hmm. Not quite me, but yes...many mornings that is Exactly how I feel getting up! LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

Sandra said...

It sure does.

Sandra said...

It's very much me, Val! Maybe looks even a little better....