Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Wild Turkeys

This is the second hatching that I am aware of. The turklings grow fast so it could be the third. There's always at least two adults, sometimes more. They are like herd animals. They stay in a group, looking after at least twenty youngsters. They must be living in the trees surrounding us, as they are here throughout the day. We really enjoy watching them. These photos were taken through the window. The cats enjoy lounging in the screened porch watching them. I do hope Mark gets to that fence yet this year. This is the third year it was supposed to be gone. Like the fallen trees, not yet.

We've had wonderful weather for several days. Today will be warmer but not awful. The blessing is the drop in humidity. Not the drops of humidity. I finally finished mowing yesterday. Odd how what I got done in an afternoon now takes two-three days. I think it's more about patience than anything. I'm sitting the whole time but I find I am tired of it. Not tired from it. So, I stop. It does get done and that is the main thing. Or so I tell myself.

Since it will be warmer today I'm going to attempt inside productivity. Don't laugh, I am. I know I will mix dough to ferment overnight for panini buns. That is simple enough. Yesterday I roasted eggplant slices and chunks, one for eggplant involtini and the other for eggplant alla norma. We are coming into my favorite food season. 

That's the news from the western edge of the Twin Cities.


nick said...

Me too re mowing the lawn. I used to do all four small lawns in an afternoon but now I tend to do one lawn at a time. I just don't have the persistence or the energy or the enthusiasm to do the whole lot at once.

Pixie said...

Now that I'm retired, I no longer feel that push to get everything done right now, which is lovely. Things can usually wait a little:)

Ami said...

Wild turkeys are interesting critters. Quite grumpy here in Oregon, or usually. My brother hunts them, and eats the results of his hunting trips. Blech.

I'm going to work today. Day 2. Yesterday kicked my ass. I'm thinking that sitting around all summer doing pretty much nothing is part of the reason. Gah.

Sandra said...

It's a good feeling. isn't it Pixie!

Sandra said...

Somehow it doesn't have seem as important, nick.

Sandra said...

That has to be hard after 3 months off, Ami. It takes awhile you get back into the rhythm. We don't get near the turkeys, they are large and not friendly, although the horses don't bother them at all for some reason.

Boud said...

We rarely see wild turkeys around here. Development has pushed them out. Yours are thriving, so that's a balance, or something.

Sandra said...

Lots of bugs and corn for them to eat!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I enjoy mowing! You could have a turkey dinner! I joined that MN dull ladies group:)

Lori Skoog said...

We have been having similar weather. As for mowing...it takes me 2 hours to do the lawn, and once every month or 6 weeks I spend about 3 hours doing the pastures. Fortunately, I love to do it. Those adult turkeys look pretty big. I am really thinking about screening in our back porch.

Val Ewing said...

Turkeys! It will be hunting season on those very soon again around here. The mules do watch them and sometimes chase them for fun.
The grass is finally growing slowly here. I'm not going to push mow this week. I'm using the pony trimmer.

e said...

You are so lucky to have the wildlife you do there. Congratulations on getting the lawn mowed and enjoy your eggplant.

Sandra said...

I like to mow, Far Side. I just don't seem to have the patience to put in several hours at a time. I have to go slower because of my back so it's a long time. I have been going to FB to look at it most days! Cause i'm dull.

Sandra said...

If I do it all at once it's now 5 hrs because I go slow. That added an hour. My pasture mower needs work, so no pastures this year. I only mow once, to get to thistle before it blooms. The male turkeys are huge. I wouldn't want to mess with them. I enjoy having them around daily. We once used the screened porch a lot. The felling of the enormous tree in front plus the higher humidity have made it a cat room. It faces south, so it gets hot without the tree shading it.

Sandra said...

I'd rather watch then than shoot them! I don't know if anyone hunts turkeys around here. When we first moved here one of the neighbors said I must be happy to be out of the city and all those guns. I looked at her like she was nuts and told her I'd never heard gunfire till I moved here. The ideas people have.

Sandra said...

I have enjoyed watching the wildlife all these years, e. I will enjoy the eggplant!

Anvilcloud said...

About 50 years ago, my daughter would say it, Gobby Gabbo.

I like "Not the drops of humidity. "

Sandra said...

I may adopt that for myself, Gobby Gabbo! It's been tropical humidity here. Hate. It.

Rita said...

We have wild turkeys along the river here. The place Dagan and Leah rented before they bought the house had turkeys there all the time. I have two turkey feathers I kept. Loved watching the parents and all the little ones, but they do grow up really fast!
Cooler up here for a couple of days...then back to 80s. Fall is coming, though. My favorite season!! :)

Sandra said...

Mine, too! I really enjoy the turkeys and I'm happy they spend time here.