Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, September 6, 2024

Baking and Books

It's a clear, brisk morning in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. My kind of weather. I did get panini made. Not the best formed but they will do. I got one honeysuckle trimmed and quit. I have been barred from using the hedge trimmer for unfair reasons. Just because I cut not one, but two extension cords a couple of years ago should mean a life sentence? Injustice. I told the Lord and Master I am overturning his verdict and will be using the trimmer instead of loppers. He was all aflutter. No No. You cannot do this. I will. Case dismissed.

Yesterday Boud wrote about watching another rendition of Persuasion. I commented that I thought I had the book and had read it but didn't remember. I do have it and it looks like I'd started reading it as I had it bookmarked at chapter seven. In my teens I bought many unabridged collections of classics, so I'm sure that's when I bought this one. Interesting that I actually had been in the process, at some time, of reading the very story we talked about. Now I must read it, it seems fated.


Far Side of Fifty said...

The bread looks great!

Boud said...

I'm glad you found your Austen groove again. My late husband was barred from the hedge trimmer after he trimmed through the cord. He wasn't concerned, and I suspected it suited him fine not to trim hedge's.

Sandra said...

It is pretty good. 1/2 whole grain flour. Good for sandwiches.

Sandra said...

The thing is, I may have been barred from using it but the trimming is still my job. Mark doesn't care if those bushes grow to the top of the roof. So, I have rebelled.

e said...

Good luck with the trimming and enjoy Jane Austen.

Sandra said...

We had a downpour around eleven this morning so no trimming today, too wet. I think I'll process some basil for freezing.

nick said...

I cut the extension cord on our hedge trimmer some years ago. It was a hell of a job finding someone to replace it. I'm now VERY careful to keep the cord out of the way. Good for you insisting on using the trimmer.

Val Ewing said...

If you get a battery operated trimmer, you can't cut the cord. I have a battery weed whacker and a little battery operated chainsaw. I love them and do a lot of trimming with them.
Once the battery runs down, I figure I've done enough until the next time.

I don't recall reading any Jane Austen.
And yum. Your bread looks delicious!

Miss Merry said...

There is actually the same edict in my house! After one fateful afternoon when I cut through not one, not two, but THREE extension cords (meaning a trip to the store for the third . . . and fourth) I have been barred from the trimmer. The older I get, the more I wonder if I did it on purpose? Now I just supervise LOL.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I've never read anything by Jane Austen.

Lori Skoog said...

Your coolness is on the way!

Sandra said...

It seems it's easy to do, nick. It's been a few years so the intensity of the disagreement has lessened a lot!

Sandra said...

My weed whacker is battery operated. I just need to pay attention to what I'm doing. From the look of it I read 3 of her books and 6 chapters of another. Long time ago.

Rita said...

The bread looks so good!
I know nothing about trimmers, but it does sound like battery powered might be a good alternative.
Enjoy the cooler weather. :)

Sandra said...

You win the prize, Miss Merry!!!! The problem here is, if I don't trim those inappropriate where-they-are-planted bushes (I planted them) they won't be trimmed and will cover whole end of the house, and the windows. I don't get out of it!

Sandra said...

It was 44 degrees when I got up, Lori.

Sandra said...

Or I pay attention! The bread is good. Simple to make, just needs time to sit and bubble.

Sandra said...

You went to spam, Dora. Jane Austen is a good writer.

Anvilcloud said...

I'd say that Lord & Master played right into your hands. 😊

Sandra said...

I'd say you are correct!!