Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, September 23, 2024


Frieda and Sassy

I painted our dog, Sassy, in a school art class when I was 15. It was a gift to my grandma. I loved to draw and paint and was hopelessly untalented. I did it anyway. I took an art class in college and was sooooo out of my league. I dropped the class and the prof didn't argue with me. I did much, much better in his art history classes. I did continue drawing and painting on my own for years, simply because I enjoyed it, never fancying myself as a future Monet. Just a person doing something she liked doing. Frieda thinks it makes a nice backdrop for showcasing her beauty.

Drum roll........I got all of those honeysuckle bushes on the east end of the house, the bushes which for some reason shot up to the height of the eaves, all trimmed to reasonable height yesterday. They look scraggly, but the leaves will fall off soon anyway and the whole thing will start again next year. When you know in advance that you should not plant honeysuckle in front of windows, if you actually want to see out of those windows, be wise and don't do it anyway. A piece of advice given from experience.

This morning is laundry. I have a kitchen that looks as if a dish, pots and pans bomb went off in it. I wish I had my son's chef skill of cleaning as you go along. I am a hopelessly messy cook who often puts cleanup off. Which I did yesterday. Roasting tomatoes, making a brisket, whatever else I could do to make a mess, the mess was made. Unless there is someone else to clean it up, you always pay the piper eventually. An open kitchen is not my friend.

Monday and Friday are deli lunch days. Monday is a smash burger, which we split. They make a good burger. Mark likes to give me a break on meal making, so this is his idea and I certainly don't mind.


Rita said...

Freida and Sassy do look great together! I'm glad you kept painting for yourself. I felt the same way in art classes but doing it for myself is still nearly therapeutic.
And you tackled the high bushes! Whew! Congrats!
With my OCD tendencies, I am a clean as I go cook...and artist, too--lol! Why I was told I'd never be a real artist. Oh well. Never thought I would be--lol! ;)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a fine painting to me. I clean as I cook in the kitchen..as I hate big stacks of dishes:)

Sandra said...

I am an organized, tidy person. Until I cook. It makes no sense, but then it makes sense that I don't make sense! I did own 30 horses afterall. I used to like to paint but the interest faded away.

Sandra said...

Well, I was just a kid, so I guess it's pretty good for a talentless 15 year old! I wish I had the sense to clean as I go, but I don't think I will change at this late date.

Boud said...

My sink is small enough to make me clean bigger pots and pans as I go. But whatever fits in the dish of soapy water waits till I get the energy to tackle it. I agree with your making art just because you needed to. It's not a competition.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you are going in the right direction, trimming all those bushes. Have you started going to the barn yet? Love your painting. I taught Aretha to students from 3 to 90, and especially loved working with seniors for 18 years after retiring. Everyone is capable.

Val Ewing said...

Way to go with your boundless energy. Cooler weather is wonderful.
I dislike cooking and cleaning up but since I get super cranky about dirty dishes, I try to keep up.
At least you cook amazing meals!

Art is art and if you like painting and drawing that is great. I find drawing [think stick figures] to be relaxing to the mind.
One winter I just took some cheap acrylics and a cheap canvas and made some abstract stuff. It was so fun even though no Art Gallery would have been impressed.

Good for you!