Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday Already

After a busy outside Sunday I had a quieter inside Monday. There was laundry and kitchen cleanup duty and time for finishing this book. The plan is to head outside again today. It's another nice, mild day ahead.

I smoked a brisket on the gas grill this past weekend and used the remainder in a cream sauce for last evenings dinner. Somewhere under that low calorie (!) sauce is pappardelle, aka, egg noodles. You know, fewer of those so more of the other. Hey, it's healthy. There's tomatoes and zucchini. Mark once again told me he won the lottery. Odd he only says this after he has had dinner.

To finish this report, I believe I will spend the afternoon mowing before I delve into cleaning up the gardens. I'm not looking forward to painting the front porch, so of course I will put it off till the end and like so many other years, maybe not get to it. I can be consistent.


Far Side of Fifty said...

One last blast of heat is headed our way, I put off painting trim on the sauna this year also! Consistent!

Sandra said...

I just looked at my weather app. Wed - Fri will be hot. Blast it!

Boud said...

I doubt if dinner is the only reason Mark thinks he won the lottery! Just sayin.

Pixie said...

Mark is a lucky man.

Anvilcloud said...

Priorities, priorities: painting must come last. With luck the opportunity will pass.

CheerfulMonk said...

You do a lot more work than I do! Painting a porch isn't even on my list.

Sandra said...

It sure isn't because I spent a fortune on horses! There is a joke; How do you make a small fortune in horses? Start with a large one. 😉

Sandra said...

I wonder if he thinks that while he's unloading hay and pitching manure!

Sandra said...

It's always passed before, so maybe my luck will hold.

Sandra said...

As I have gathered, I'm also a bit younger than you. If I am in the shape you are at your age I will be doing the happy dance.

Miss Merry said...

Gosh your dinner looks delicious! He did win the lottery! We have finally gotten some rain. A lot of rain. 9/10 on Sunday night, 1 inch yesterday and I think 3/4 inch tonight. Tonight's came with a tornado passing overhead. I did hear it briefly touched down a few miles east of here in a field. I have not heard any reports of damage.