Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, September 7, 2024

About Shoes

Something I had't given thought to until recently.....the feet as they relate to the back. My back has been better, mostly because of pain medication, but I still have a lot of pain and I am limited in what I can do. Much more liberated than I was even six months ago, but not all that great. I have seen ads for barefoot shoes for at least a year, gave them a flicker of thought which was swiftly forgotten. I saw an ad a couple of weeks ago that had a BOGO sale, so I looked and then bought. Two pair for $70 seemed like a small risk. I have to say, they are helping me. The shoe is very comfortable. I have trouble with shoes as I have a high arch/instep. This shoe doesn't hurt my instep and I'm able to walk with a less forward leaning back for longer than I have been able to do. I grew up with the rule shoes are off in the house and it has stuck for me. It feels wrong to have a shoe on my foot in the house. These don't do that. They are light and pliable. I got a pair in white as the freebie. They also come in an ankle boot which I will buy for winter use.

This perspective makes it look like I have a huge foot! Sort of like a platypus.

We have another nice day ahead of us. I hope to get most, if not all, the hedge trimming done today. There is so much to do I cannot procrastinate. Too many years without my help around this place is showing.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Those look like great shoes! Good that they are helping you! I am a barefoot person too, but I cannot wear anything that is tight around the top of my foot...tennis shoe like. I try to loosen the ties and even that does not work. One time years ago I met a cobbler at a craft show and should have had him make me a pair of shoes...but alas they were too expensive. Wish I could find him now....he was older than me by about 20 years so he would be in his 90's now.

Sandra said...

I can't wear those running type tennis shoes either, for the same reason. These are really comfortable. I think the company is Hike Footwear. Maybe give them a try, even as footwear in the house.

Barbara Anne said...

My sweet MIL started having pain in the bottom of her feet so I took her to see a podiatrist. After examining her feet and watching her walk, he said "You go barefoot a lot, don't you?". She, like you, took her shoes off the minute she got home - always - so she told him that. He said if she kept on shoes with good support, he thought her pain would stop. This was about 15 years ago, so I won't mention the shoes that were suggested by the doctor. Wearing shoes with good support and no longer going barefoot ended her foot pain. I tell you this because I'm a retired RN and hope this information is helpful for you to consider.
Wishing you well.

Anvilcloud said...

We are also a no-shoe family, but I don't think we were growing up. I think people who live in winter places may automatically remove their footwear. That's my theory anyway.

Rita said...

Also a no shoes in the house family. I am very interested in checking these out for back pain. Could be my clean indoor footwear instead of socks or slippers. Very intriguing that you could tell a difference so quickly, too. Thanks for sharing! :)

Boud said...

Shoes are an endless issue here, too. Wide toes, narrow heels, shoes aren't made for this foot. I'm currently walking fine in men's canvas skechers, wide enough, with elastic backs, they work.

Sandra said...

Thank you for the info, Barbara Anne. Good support is really important for the whole body.

Sandra said...

I think your theory is solid, AC. We had white carpet and my mother was firm about shoes coming off. It's something that stuck.

Sandra said...

They are comfortable as inside shoes, even more so than the sliders I've been using for over a year. The BOGO is still on, but maybe it always is! This is a link
All I can say is it's helped me, I'm still sore but I do feel better.

Sandra said...

You found a solution, Boud, which is what's important. My high instep makes a lot of shoes impossible. The PT had me buy tennis shoes, the clunky kind. They made me miserable, too heavy for my taste and they hurt across the top of my foot. I've tried several different inserts which haven't helped. So far this is doing ok for me.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love when something like shoes or blue glasses help. Most excellent.

Miss Merry said...

During the winter I wear ankle boots that are slightly firm and my feet feel great. I struggle when it's warm and hot. I go barefoot in my house but shoes that tie on top of my foot bother me, I think my feet swell in the summer and I slide too much in sandals.

Lori Skoog said...

Unlike the rest of your pals....I wear shoes in the house because it makes a difference. For decades I have worn Crocs with orthotics and they have worked. This past summer I invested in three pair of Sketcher step ins as I was having a problem with my left foot. One pair was for the barn (worn with orthotics). Within two weeks I was fine and my posture was better. Now I can wear either and do not have a problem. Good support is the key for me. Glad you found something that works!

e said...

I'm glad you found comfortable shoes. So important. It is hard to find good help to maintain a place these days. Good luck with the trimming.

Sandra said...

I bought the blue lenses and I realize I really don't need them. I take my glasses off when at the computer or looking at my phone for any length of time!

Sandra said...

Same for me. Most shoes that come over the arch in my foot don't work for me. These are comfortable for me.

Sandra said...

My feet don't hurt, Lori. It's my back, which goes to the feet. I had a pair of sketchers that I got in 2010 and finally threw away two years ago because they were in tatters! I think I need something with flexible support and flat. The light has gone on in my brain!

Sandra said...

I don't know if these are my answer but right now it feels like I'm doing better, e.

Pixie said...

I'm glad the shoes are helping. I never wore shoes in the house until the last few years until I tore my plantar fascia, now I always wear them. I have house shoes and outdoor shoes and my feet are much happier.

Sandra said...

These are easy to wear inside, they are lightweight. It's my back that is the problem and I am walking better with them. Not wearing shoes inside was ingrained from birth!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m glad they’re helping! ❤️

Sandra said...
