Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Good Day

This is something I don't get to say often......I had a productive day on Sunday. It's uplifting, energizing to accomplish even simple tasks when that has been difficult for so long. I know I am speaking (writing) this to many who know this well.

I made roasted eggplant soup for lunch.

Tomato sauce for dinner.

I made dinner.

And......I made pesto with two different types of basil, which went into the freezer.

On top of this, I picked tomatoes and got one more honeysuckle bush trimmed. Can we have a hallelujah! A feeling of accomplishment can carry over, as I have experienced already today. I got up earlier, put water on for my coffee, made the coffee and put the first load of laundry in the machine, which is happily whirring as I type. An aside. Putting the laundry room on the first floor of the house all those many years ago was one of the very best things we have done. Hands down.  Today I need to clean the mess in the kitchen, I am not a tidy cook, and do the laundry. If I have the energy I'll trim one more bush. It's going to be moderately hot today, so that may not happen.

Mark wasn't twiddling his thumbs. He trimmed dead branches in the ancient apple tree. It is very old, not a hybrid, and gorgeous in the spring. He was busy all day but that is the only thing I know he did. Bill said he is bringing more tomatoes and green beans sometime today. I've already put a gallon freezing bag of whole tomatoes in the freezer. Winter prep is starting.


Lori Skoog said...

Hallelujah! You've come a long way baby! I am drooling over your pastas dinner.

CheerfulMonk said...

That’s great! And thank you for telling me about Chrome. ❤️

Sandra said...

I have, Lori! In the last 6 months I have had slow, stedy improvement. I feel almost human again
The sauce simmered for at least 3 hours, so it became quite rich.

Sandra said...

I always used Safari then out of the blue I was anonymous, but not with Chrome. I hope it solves your problem.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Way to go! I can tell you are feeling better!! It feels good to get things accomplished!

Boud said...

You're sounding do much more energetic and capable these days. Won't be long before we're saying, hey slow down, where's the fire?

Boud said...

So not do, duh.

Sandra said...

I am better. I need to work on stamina, that's not so great, but overall, better.

Sandra said...

Wouldn't that be something!!

Sandra said...

I knew what you meant. 😉

peppylady (Dora) said...

Never had eggplant soup.

Pixie said...

It's that time of year, freezing and canning. My mum used to do a lot of it when I was growing up.
I was busy with a wee mouse today. My fucking cat, caught a tiny little mouse, but it wasn't dead. I got it away from her, put it in a tiny box, warmed it up and gave it some birdseed and water. I didn't know if it would survive but I took it outside later and that thing just tore off when I put the box on the ground. I'm glad it survived.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. You were your best advocate and did not accept closed doors. You are an impressive person, Sandra.

Anvilcloud said...

Do you have training as a chef? Your meals seem varied and interesting.

Miss Merry said...

Gold star! You are getting energy back. Just don't over do. I don't know if I would rather taste that gorgeous soup or enjoy that dinner. Both look absolutely divine.

e said...

Yay you! and your food looks lovely too.

Val Ewing said...

This is so great! I am happy happy for you! Now send that energy my way. :)

Sandra said...

Roasted eggplant, tomato, onion, garlic. Chicken or veg stock. Blend, add cream or not. Feta or goat cheese is good with it.

Sandra said...

My grandma was a canner. I take after her, but I don't can anymore. I freeze instead.

Cats are awful to their prey. I'm glad it survived, it's no fun watching that torture.

Sandra said...

That's a nice thing for you to say, Kaye. There are some who would have a different definition of what I may be, but I like this best. There was a man who once called me a ball busting bitch. He thought that was an insult!

Sandra said...

No, I don't. Oddly, my son is a chef and blames me for his career choice! I like to cook, most of the time. I have honed things down to the simple and the simple can be good. I think cooking comes down to enjoying doing it. I like to bake but had to watch my blood sugar for so many years I stopped, limiting my baking to bread.

Sandra said...

How about both? It's what I did!. You got me figured out, I get onto something and over do. I behaved myself yesterday and kept my activity to laundry and kitchen cleanup. Perhaps wisdom does come with age.

Sandra said...

It surprised me how good accomplishment felt, e. The soup and sauce will be our meals again today.

Sandra said...

You don't need any of my meager energy, Val. You just need to recover from whatever bug you have.

Rita said...

Congrats! I can relate to the feeling of accomplishment and excitement at feeling better than you have for a long time. Try not to overdo...but enjoy that wonderful feeling! :)

Marlane said...

Well done you !

Sandra said...

If anyone can understand it's you, Rita. I have not overdone. One thing I have learned is to listen to my body. It's probably the only thing I listen to!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Marlane!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Having soup on lunch break. Yum on your eggplant. Mine is pantry lentil from aldi. Not as good as homemade, however I bought this back when I was sick. Getting the pantry eaten down.

Sandra said...

Sometimes buying soup is all you can do and lots of it is pretty good.