Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kitty Ditty.

 Were I a cat, I would not chase a rat. I may call a mouse a louse, but I'd leave it in the house. I'd find myself a chair, I would not share. I'd lay my body down and never have a care.


Lori Skoog said...

So content.....

BootsandBraids said...

Nice Haiku. Gave me my first smile of the day.

Sandra said...

Indeed he is.

Sandra said...

That makes me happy. Sometimes silly rhymes just come to me!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Thanks for the smile:)

Rita said...

Now that is poetry! ;)

Sandra said...

Gatto makes me wax poetic!

Sandra said...

HAAAA! I missed my calling, Rita.

Boud said...

So relaxing. I did a lot more sleeping when I had cats.

Sandra said...

This guy is either all on or all off!

Anvilcloud said...

Ours agrees

Bohemian said...

To be able to Relax or Sleep like a Cat is a little bit of Heaven don't you think?

Sandra said...

I know they would!

Sandra said...

I do. To be an inside cat is to have it all.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I do like an ginger cat.

e said...

And he has no cares precisely because you care for him, prince that he is...

Val Ewing said...

Do you recall Morris the Cat? Some day I can tell you a story about that cat and how he came to be.
I love this, so light and wonderful!

Sandra said...

They are unusual, Dora.

Sandra said...

He did decide he was to live here, e.

Sandra said...

I do remember Morris. And now I must know the story. Please do tell!

Val Ewing said...


Sandra said...

WOW! One of the most iconic characters during our time. A friends dad was VP of advertising with Pillsbury. She said he was involved in creating the Doughboy. No wonder you are so creative.

Val Ewing said...

Thus the names of my pets. Morris's registered name was Morris the Cat, and Charlie ... well, we always wanted to say 'Sorry Charlie' around the house and now we can.
Yes, Dad was a very creative person.
He encouraged imagination with us kids.

Sandra said...

You have an interesting life.

The Happy Whisk said...

Great poem, Sandra.

Sandra said...

You flatter me, Ivy!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Such good advice in rhyme and your kitty has it down perfect, Sandra.

Sandra said...

Gatto knows how to enjoy life, Dorothy!