Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Oh, Canada

My Canadian Friends....WF Last of Roses (Zing) has been to Canada. Regina, Saskatchewan, when Canadian Nationals (Arabian) were still held there. This was 2004. Zing was three and he was Top Ten in the Arabian Stallion Halter Futurity. That was a big deal for a small player like me. The Arabian world is littered with BIG money people. I enjoyed my time in Regina, though I must say I have never seem such a flat landscape! Obviously, I have not spent time in the American plains area. The Canadian people were extremely welcoming. I used to go to Canada often in my younger years, the first time I was maybe twelve, my Girl Scout troop took a train to Winnipeg. I have lots of photos from that time. 2004 was my last trip there. Zing is with his trainer, Dianne.


This was a pleasant trip down memory lane. Speaking of Canada, we are still a first cousin, our weather proves it. -2 F/-19 C at the moment. 

I had PT yesterday and I really like the therapist. I have real hope that I'm on the road to improvement. She told me when there is pain, the muscle jumps in to protect the spine. The muscle around my spine and neck are TIGHT! She has been working the muscle when I go in and I have several exercises to help that I do at home. Some of the places she hits almost puts me airborne. 

Hope is a powerful thing.


Boud said...

Cool Canadian thinking there! I hope the physio helps. It tends to hurt until it doesn't..

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you have good luck with the PT and with at home exercises!

Sandra said...

It is already helping me mentally, Boud. That is a good start.

Sandra said...

Oh, me too, Farside. I, in turn, hope you back injections give you relief.

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, the Prairie provinces are rather flat but beautiful in their own way. Mind you I've only driven through once, but I loved the big sky.

I must tell you, that after we had been out west, we crossed from Alberta to Montana at Shelby to start our drive back to Ontario. When I got gas there, the the cashier asked where we were going, I said south to Canada. That really flummoxed her. But yes, we are south here where I have lived my whole life.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you have some exercises to do. I spend a lot of time doing mine and it's good not to feel helpless.

Rita said...

Ha! I had just asked you about your PT. I really hope it does help--a lot.
Zing is just a gorgeous horse! :)

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope is WILDLY powerful. Really strong thing. Glad you're feeling the hope. Very, very good to read.

Marlane said...

That is amazing that you had the chance to compete in the Nationals and did well WOW !. Do you have any Arabian Horse World magazines from that time !

Val Ewing said...

My last trip to Canada was a motorcycle trip around Lake Superior. I fell in love with the countryside and the people.
PT! Oh how I like PT and how it can help people!

Lori Skoog said...

Zing is a knockout!!!!! Ahhhhh Canada. Glad you had a good experience at PT...keep having her work those muscles. I go to a massage therapist for one hour once a month and she really helps me with knots and tightness and AP bands and more. I have been doing this for a couple of decades almost as a preventative....ridding my muscles of lactic acid and as a bonus, it feels good. She sure is good at finding all my tight spots tho.

Anonymous said...

Zing is magnificent, he is a handsome horse. He is still is good looking from video you showed.
What good news to hear that you have found a PT that you like and that the process is working.
It has been in the 50's the last few days, snow is melting. The ski resorts are not happy nor are skiers. It is really unnatural and disconcerting.
Take Care,

Pixie said...

Sask is very flat, while Alberta has flat plains, moutains, rolling hills, foothills and boreal forest. We like to mix it up:)
Your horse is beautiful.
The physio will help. I have a massage once a month to loosen up my tight muscles and it helps a lot.
Stay warm my friend.

Sandra said...

I found the wide openness of Saskatchewan to be incredible, AC. I really liked it there and the people where so helpful and friendly. I know people tend to think all of Canada is far north and it's not.

Sandra said...

Cheerful, it does feel good to know there is hope for me!

Sandra said...

Rita, he thinks so!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Ivy. I am hopeful.

Sandra said...

I may have, Marlane. I competed for years in that world as well as AHA dressage. I drove to Milwaukee quite a few times for Region X. It was held in St. Paul on rotating years.

Sandra said...

I used to go to the North Shore often, starting as a child. We went up there a lot and as an adult I continued for a long time, Val. I like the area.

Sandra said...

Zing in all his makeup, Lori! That's not the most flattering photo of him, but it's what I have from then. Yes, the really tight spots make me twitch pretty good.

Sandra said...

Zing has always been a strutter, Kaye. He was hand raised and I think he sees things differently because of it. He is a mischief maker, a real goof.I don't know if there is a normal in weather anymore.

Sandra said...

Flying into Regina was amazing. You could see forever, all flat. Alberta feels rugged. It does seem to be helping me, Pixie.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nice looking Arabian.

e said...

Beautiful Zing! In my experience, PT is highly helpful. I hope that's true for you too.

nick said...

One reason Jenny and I left London was because it was so scenically uninteresting. Most of London is completely flat, while Belfast is surrounded by hills.
Good luck with easing your back pain.

Sandra said...

Thanks Dora

Sandra said...

e, I feel it's helping me already.

Sandra said...

Belfast sounds lovely, nick. It's hills here but as you travel west it flattens out.

DeniseinVA said...

Your photo is delightful and what a great memory you shared. Zing is a beautiful horse and to be that close to such a beauty would take my breath away. I am sorry about your back pain and hope your therapist can work her magic.

Bohemian said...

I do Hope your PT is successful and brings you some relief and a Healing Touch. That is a Magnificent Horse.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Denise. Zing thinks he's top of the world and no one argues with him! My back is slowly improving.

Sandra said...

I believe it's helping, Dawn. Zing is special to me.