Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


My activist friend, Boud, asked us to repost this since it gets very little, if any, play from the media. So, I did. Anyone who does not understand this is a constitutional crisis needs to turn the scenario around. What if Harris had won and did the exact same thing. What would you think of that? We have laws, institutions and procedures. We may not always agree with how these systems work, but overall, they do. If we want change, do it the legal way. Not doing it that way is a coup, no matter who is doing it.

*Edited to say this is the ad The Washington Post pulled the plug on.

My hometown, St Paul. Keep in mind we had double digit below zero for most of the day.



Boud said...

Thank you so much for coming through. The st Paul marchers are tough!

Anvilcloud said...

Awful stuff. I hope the resistance works, but I expect that millions would have to get out there frequently, and that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

Sandra said...

Yes, Boud, they are hardy and committed.

Sandra said...

Sadly, I tend to agree with you, AC. But we can't go down quietly.

nick said...

Indeed, who's running the USA - Elon Musk or Donald Trump? And who gave permission for them to drive a coach and horses through well-established laws and constitutional provisions? And who gave them permission to tell Keir Starmer and our British government what they should be doing?

BootsandBraids said...

There are resistance marches going on all over the country and the news is not covering. WTF!

Lori Skoog said...

I'm with you and will be in the fight for the long haul. On the news I saw videos of marches all across the country. They were covered and some were VERY large. I have been making calls to Washington for the past six days...give it a try. Thanks for the address for the DOGE caucus....I have some great tips for them. Don't give up!

Lori Skoog said...

PS Senate -202-224-3121. House -202-225-3121. Johnson - 202-225-2777 White House - 202-224-3121 (have them connect you to the person you want to contact)

CheerfulMonk said...

It's so scary. One big question is will they obey court decisions? It's hard to believe they will. And then there's poor Ukraine and our other allies. One thing is certain, Trump will go down in history. I phone my representatives, but they're already on our side.

Ami said...

Why are you so upset? They TOLD you immigrants are taking the jobs of Americans... and Leon Skum took Dumald's job. Boom. God I hate those people... can't wait to read their obituaries. Want to take bets on which one will 'fall' out an upper story window so the other one can rule??

Val Ewing said...

And then yesterday he posted a photo of himself as a King. Disgusting.

Sandra said...

I am ashamed and embarrassed by all of this, nick. They have brought out the underbelly of America.

Sandra said...

Who owns the media, B&B? It's frightening.

Sandra said...

I also have some very useful tips for them, Lori. I have been sending emails but not calling.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Lori.

Sandra said...

No, I don't think they will obey the courts rulings. 'Obey' is not in their vocabulary, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

Right, Ami? I wonder what the produce season will look like.

Sandra said...

Seriously? I missed that, Val. I think this is probably the first time in his life he hasn't lied. He has been upfront about his intention to rule as a Tzar.

Pixie said...

I'm so glad there are protests against the shit stains.

Sandra said...

There are many Americans who are appalled, revolted by what has happened here, Pixie.

Miss Merry said...

We need to stand strong.