Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Good Morning! It's a balmy -12F/-24 C this bright sunny day. That will get your blood flowing. Or is it freezing? I saw the physical therapist yesterday. She really worked the muscles along my spine, they had gone into full throttle protective mode after my couple of over-done days. She did point out that there was something positive about it. I felt good enough to overdo. She was right. So now, behave myself, that's the prescription.

Not Gatto. Crabby Tabby, getting some respite from the cold on Mark's lap. Is this the lap of luxury? He thinks so. I haven't any plans for the day. I would like to have some productive time, I just need to decide what this will be. I have blueberries I need to use. I thought there was a sheet of puff pastry in the freezer, but there isn't. Perhaps a simple galette. Simple is my word these days. 

Chicken, couscous and roasted asparagus. Staying in the simple zone.

Stay warm and eat something good. We deserve it.


DeniseinVA said...

If you produce a delicious looking meal like that describing it as in the simple zone, I'm impressed and it looks delicious! I hope your physiotherapist worked some magic on your back. That's a really sweet picture of Crabby Tabby, looks so comfortable! Have a good one Sandra :) I hope you will share a photo of what you did with those blueberries :)

Boud said...

Good food, simply cooked, is gourmet eating.

Sandra said...

Wonderfully put, Boud!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a fine meal to me! Yes stay warm...as the temperature plummet.

Sandra said...

It's simple enough. Just marinated pan-fried chicken, about 10 minutes of doing basically nothing with couscous and the same with the asparagus. 20 minutes and done, Denise! Crabby Tabby was one of 4 kittens born in the barn in 2015. Mama isn't around anymore but the now adult cats are. One is full-time house cat due to an injury, Tabby is part-time and Black McCool in mostly a house cat. He asks to go outside, he finds a litter box beneath his tuxedoed dignity! I think I'll make a galette. No worries about me showing food photos, it's what I've got. Other than cats.

Sandra said...

It was good, Far Side. Also easy, but as Boud said, easy doesn't mean bland.

Miss Merry said...

Your supper looks delicious! And snuggling with a kitty is a great way to stay warm this winter!