Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Kitchen Day #2

Yesterday was another day spent in the kitchen. Spending the day in the kitchen is relaxing when it's where you want to be. I cleaned up my impressive mess from the prior day, I am not a tidy clean-as-you-go person, after I added to it by making pesto with the fennel fronds. I used pistachios, which are perhaps my favorite, with cashews a very close second. I ate more than I put in the food processor. I did. I reasoned nuts are good for you. We had a couple of inches of fluffy snow in the morning, not enough to plow, which is how I thought my morning would be spent. It's pleasant to see the ground covered in white instead of the dull, depressing brown it has been.


I braised a couple of beef ribs in tomato sauce after lunch, making dinner a snap. Baking and cooking have been effective stress relievers for me. My freezers are stuffed with bread, which is not a bad thing. I semi-plan a blueberry tart today, having one sheet of puff pastry in my overstuffed refrigerator freezer.

Along with the welcome snow we have much appreciated sunshine today. It's currently zero F with a high of 19 F. Very doable. PT tomorrow. On a bright note, I am walking better for short periods of time. Standing too long in the kitchen has caused some problems, I need to take advice and rest before it becomes difficult. I have that "just work through it" mindset, which is not going so well for me.

So...that's the story, not fascinating but whatta ya gonna do? Carry on, that's what we do.


Boud said...

I'm glad to hear your walking is better. I do get that when tired, push harder frame of mind, though. When you've done that for many years, a lot of physical exertion daily, it's hard to hold back.

Lori Skoog said...

Yum! And Yum! Do you have a stool in your kitchen? Can you sit on it while prepping food etc.? Happy to hear you are walking better....it's all about your quads. Around 30 degrees here and we got 5 or 6 inches of snow last night.

nick said...

The "just work through it" approach works well for a lot of things, but sometimes as you say taking occasional rests is the way to go.
I love cashew nuts. I love any kind of nuts, though I find almonds a bit too chewy.

The Happy Whisk said...

I do pistachio in mine too! And cashew. I stay clear of pine nuts until the day I have a tree with my own pine nuts. I also use cashew and pistachio in my vegan cheese sprinkles. Sooooo yummy.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I do food prep sitting down that seems to help me somewhat. I cannot stand still for too long, that is really painful for me. Walking, laying down and sitting work the best for my pain. Yes carry on is what we do!

Rita said...

Trying to push through the pain and mind over matter it doesn't work for fibro either. Pay dearly for it. But when I am finally feeling a bit better after a bad stretch...I often forget that--lol! ;)

CheerfulMonk said...

I was thinking of a stool too. There are all sorts of aids we can, and need to, access as time goes on. ❤️

Anvilcloud said...

Kitchen work is hard on my back too, and my wife's.

Miss Merry said...

Wow that looks so delicious. I love to cook and it really frustrates me how much it hurts my back. This wasn't in the old age manual! I think a lot of things were left out.

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh boy. Did I make the spam folder again. Darn blogger.

e said...

That looks lovely, maybe the physiotherapist can offer some tips to make being in the kitchen easier for you.

Sandra said...

It is, Boud. I have to unlearn it cuz it makes things worse.

Sandra said...

I do have a stool but I'd need to take the air purifier off from it, Lori! We are subzero. We got no more than a couple of inches.

Sandra said...

The older one gets the more rests are needed, nick. The body knows this, the brain is still catching up. I'm not a fan of almonds unless they are in biscotti.

Sandra said...

I will sit at the kitchen table with a cutting board for prep sometimes, but I'so used to using the cutting board on the prep table I don't think of it, Far Side. The alternative to carrying on is being carried off!

Sandra said...

Funny how that happens, Rita!

Sandra said...

Isn't that the truth, Cheerful!

Sandra said...

My son has back problems from a long career in a kitchen, AC. It makes sense.

Sandra said...

You are so right about that, Miss Merry. Too bad we can't sue!!

Sandra said...

That's a thought, e. I see her today.

Sandra said...

I stopped using pignoli when the price went through the roof, Ivy. I like other nuts as well or better.

Sandra said...

I released you from spam jail, Ivy!

Pixie said...

I'm having a hard time adjusting to my body not being as strong or as bendy as it used to be, and I have several bruises on my leg to prove it. Lovely looking food:)

Sandra said...

It's a surprise when we realize something has changed, Pixie. Sometimes the realization doesn't want to kick in, then we find out the hard way.

Val Ewing said...

Kitchen work is hard for me because I don't like it. But I know my MIL had a stool in her kitchen for long food preps.
I wish wonderful meals would just appear like magic.

Anonymous said...

Normally I would say that would be food delivery, Val. Where you live, nope!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Pesto from fennel fronds sounds unique as I have only ever made it from the more usual basil, when we had a garden, now it is store bought 😟 The beef ribs look delicious and easy is my favorite type of meal. Standing in the kitchen can get tiring, but lately I have found that listening to upbeat music helps, ot current stuff, but 50s and 60s tunes for me.

DeniseinVA said...

I couldn't have put that better Sandra, I love the kitchen when I am in the mood but like you can't stand up too long right now. What you made looks wonderful. Glad you are enjoying your snow and sunshine. We are expecting snow tomorrow. I thoroughly enjoyed this, always do. Have a great week!

Sandra said...

I'm anonymous, Val. 😉

Sandra said...

Pesto can be made from many things, Beatrice. When I buy fennel I want the fronds because they can be used for other things. The pesto is good.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Denise. My back cannot take standing still very long. Working on that. We are subzero today, but the ground is white!

The Happy Whisk said...

I never used pine nuts because I couldn't find them locally. Thanks for taking me out of spam jail.