Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Marlane asked if I had any Arabian Horse Times from when I was showing Zing (also I have showing others). These are a few of Zing.


Zing's dam, my foundation mare, LF Diamond Rose. She died foaling Zing. Her first foal and mine, Tempered Steele (Babe, now 30 years old) and Babe's daughter, WF Sirius Grace.

Another of Mama Rose's daughters, WF Al Malika. This one went on to a successful halter career, purchased by a trainer.

This is Malika at Scottsdale.

I have more photos from the Times plus from horse shows that I will post from time-to-time. Lots of fond memories, taking me back some decades. I enjoyed it for years, until I did not. The show world can be wonderful and it can be brutal. I did continue to enjoy dressage, but not the showing aspect of it. I lost the drive somewhere along the years.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful horses and proud moments for you and good memories!

Marlane said...

Thanks for taking the time to show us the photos from the magazines. What an amazing experience that must have been !!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Such lovely photos

Boud said...

Wonderful horse portraits. It sounds as if memories are bittersweet.

Lori Skoog said...

Of course I love the photos of your gorgeous horses. You were doing some serious breeding and showing! I did a little showing through the local dressage association but was really not into it. Participated in a quadrille for a few years and we would perform here and there. That was fun. Agree with you about the show world. I will always be the eternal back yard horse person but had the opportunity to work with a trainer who studied dressage with Nuno Olivera in Portugal. I was her least experienced student, who happened to have an Anglo-Trakenher mare by Abdullah (Olympics) that was very talented and all I wanted, was to learn how to communicate with her in the best way...with kindness. Took lessons for years. Now here I am....just spoiling the two boys that are still in my life.

Bohemian said...

They are all Magnificent, but I like Tempered Steele's coloration. When they used to Race at Turf Paradise I remember a Guy who took me was so upset that I was picking my Horses to bet on by now Cute I thought they were rather than their form... and I was Winning. *LOL* Clearly, I knew nothing at all about Horses or Racing, but it was a good time.

e said...

Malika is stunning. Thanks for sharing these!

CheerfulMonk said...

What beautiful horses and wonderful memories!

Anvilcloud said...

You have had a very serious and impressive hobby, if that is the right word. They were beautiful creatures.

Val Ewing said...

You sure were the impressive breeder and owner of some incredible horses! Beauties.

Sandra said...

It was a real ride, Far Side!

Sandra said...

Although I'd had a horse since childhood I had never shown one until i was in the late 30s, Marlane. Then I bought a mare from the breeding/show barn I boarded at, she came with a breeding to one of their stallions and I was off!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Jo-Anne.

Sandra said...

They are, Boud. And, it was a lot of work!

Sandra said...

Well, you've had quite the horse and trainer, Lori. My dressage trainer was a student of Dominique Barbier. She is a wealthy woman and was able to fly him here from Cali for clinics, which meant he worked with my horse, Shaka. The things we sometimes just walk into, Lori!

Sandra said...

That's funny, Dawn! Babe is what is called a flea-bitten grey. Not a particularly flattering name! Grey horses are born a color, bay, chestnut, black, then they start to grey. Some, like Babe keep some of the original color, making that pattern.

Sandra said...

She was a beauty, e. Very sweet, too.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

If you mean was it a money maker, AC? no. There is a saying--how do you make a small fortune from horses? Start with a large one. I hade neither large nor small. I ran it as a business. I boarded outside horses, stood stallions to service, foaled out mares for other people, sold horses and did most of the work myself. I loved it....mostly.

Sandra said...

Minnesota was the epicenter of Arabian horses, still is important, Val. That made it easier to own good stock. I enjoyed it, despite the work and sometimes heartbreak, Val.

nick said...

I'd love to know more about the brutality of the show world. The British Grand National can be pretty brutal, as you no doubt know. The horses can be treated very badly.
Nice photos.

Sandra said...

Well, nick, I think you know what I meant then. The horses can be treated badly. You get to see the depths to which people will fall. Dressage being no different. And the racing world.........

The Happy Whisk said...

Stunning horse. Sorry to read that they sometimes get treated badly. That sucks.

Rita said...

Magnificent horses!! So sorry to hear Zing's mama died having him. If you had to raise him I can see why he's so very special to you.
It's all quite a different world to me. What memories you must have! Thanks for sharing a bit of it. :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

I don't even know what horse magazine. I used to take the Equine.

Sandra said...

Whenever there are animals involved there are always humans who will abuse them, Ivy. Not everyone, but enough.

Sandra said...

It was a tough time, Rita. Foals need to be fed every couple of hours. To make it worse, there were six other foals born that year, which alone would have kept me busy, and then Zing inhaled milk into his lungs and got pneumonia. I didn't have time to grieve for the mare. It hit me many months later.

Sandra said...

It's THE magazine for the Arabian horse world, Dora.

Rita said...

He really was a true baby of your heart. I've fed kittens whose mother had died, a squirrel who students found on a sidewalk when I was in college, baby cockatiels...but no babies that huge. Extra special. ;)

Sandra said...

Foals like to put their front legs on their mother. Guess what he would do to me! I would also take him out to the mare pasture to socialize him wife other foals. Foals will run around their dam when they are uncertain, I had a baby horse doing that to me. He would take his bottle from me and from Mark. A friend offered to take a shift with him and he refused to take the bottle. I was mom #1. Mark was mom #2. Eventually, as he got older I was able to put the bottle into a holder attached to the stall wall and one on the paddock fence. I had a wonderful gelding that I used for the weaned foals, he gently but firmly kept them in line. I put him out with Zing. I tried to socialize him as much as possible. He still thinks he's people, Rita!