Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Zucchini Plentitude

Deer ate my zucchini plant but it really doesn't matter. Yesterday Neighbor Bill brought several, plus tomatoes. I stopped growing peppers and green beans years ago because I get so many from him. I think I'll put zucchini on the list from now on. I spent the afternoon preparing zucchini boats, enough for two meals. Mark brought a huge eggplant in, it had been in hiding. I will roast it along with garlic, onion and tomatoes for roasted eggplant soup. I came upon that recipe maybe twenty years ago and am happy I did. It's so good.

BTW, there are tomatoes in there. Really.

There is a FaceBook group, Dull Minnesota Women. I don't use FB, but occasionally scroll through. I saw this in Groups You Might Like. I joined, although I'm so dull I will probably never use it. 


Boud said...

Around here at this time of year you keep your car windows rolled up unless you want zucchini dumped in the back seat.

Sandra said...

😄 you are funny!

Anvilcloud said...

Groups may be the best thing about FB.

Sandra said...

I used to really enjoy the basset hound groups. The people were laid back and could laugh at themselves and their dogs.

Val Ewing said...

I was reading about Basset hounds last night when I couldn't sleep. They recommended them for a variety of people because they are laid back and sweet.
Your food looks wonderful.
Food envy here.

e said...

You are far from dull...and that plate looks great!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I wish there was some way of checking out groups on facebook. I joined a few, and they weren't for me.

The Happy Whisk said...

The dish looks pretty. Boy am I excited to move and have a garden.Yummy.

Rita said...

The only times I have been tempted to get on Facebook again have been because of art groups--but the dull women group intrigues me--ROFL!

Sandra said...

They are living cartoons, Val. They are not for those who want obedience, stubborn critters! I love them.

Sandra said...

e, thanks. It might help if I did something!

Sandra said...

I used to enjoy the basset groups but now they make me kind of sad.

Sandra said...

Have you bought a house? I hope so!!

Sandra said...

You should join, you live next door and you are from here. We could be dull together!

Lori Skoog said...

Tell me what is in your boat please! That looks so good. I was just telling Gary that I'm not interested in growing such a huge variety of veggies next year. I find that I'm not using them fast enough. Ha! I just joined a FB group called COOL RETIRED WOMEN. Almost 150,000 members from around the world...see how long that lasts.

Sandra said...

I saw that group, Lori! It's just farro, sauteed Italian sausage, onion, garlic, cut up zucchini and feta. I quartered small tomatoes and added to the mix. Sprinkled with gouda.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Dull Minnesota Women...I will have to check it out!

Sandra said...

That's not the exact name but close enough you should be able to find it easy enough.