Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rainbow After the Storm

We had a big storm last evening. 
Then this showed up.

We lost power at about 7:00 pm, which finally came on at 2:30 am. We didn't bother with the generator as it was already evening, candles and cellphone flashlights were enough. A large tree came down along the east pasture, completely squashing the gate and a bunch of large branches were scattered about the property. We haven't had a storm like this in a long time.

Other than the storm, not much happening in my corner of the world. Which is ok.


Boud said...

I guess this means animals all safe out there?

Sandra said...

It does. The horses are stalled in the barn overnight. The raccoon ate her food. The outside cats are all accounted for. The landscape is soaked!

CheerfulMonk said...

That was some storm! Glad you were safe.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everyone is okay. Too bad about the tree and gate...repairs..bummer.
Take Care,

Sandra said...

Lots of trees came down in the area. It was quite a storm.

Sandra said...

We have another gate, I think. The tree didn't damage the fence. There is always something!

Rita said...

Wow! I'd say the storm was quite enough for the day--whew!
It must have created quite an atmospheric evening with the candles, though.

Sandra said...

The day was very hot and humid, which is a good recipe for a storm. Which happened. Not much ambience was enjoyed though, Mark was tired and in bed by 8:30 and I was not too far behind him! Ah, oldsters.

Val Ewing said...

I was watching that storm on the radar and they couldn't decide if parts of it wouldn't break off and head south. It didn't touch us but we did have some wind and rain this morning.

Uff. Another tree to clean up?
Glad all is okay.

Lori Skoog said...

I think your storm is headed toward Brockport. 92 and very muggy today with a cold front coming through along with a storm. Sorry about the tree. They are such a pain to dismantle. Glad the horses were in the barn.

e said...

I'm glad you both and animals and house are okay!

Anvilcloud said...

That is a pleasant ending to the storm.

Sandra said...

Just what we nee, Val. Maybe someday they will be cut and stacked! I haven't experienced that kind of storm in I don't know how long.

Sandra said...

That kind of weather is loudly saying STORM! If the trees ever get cut up we will have plenty of fire wood. Those barn babies would have a fit if they stayed out at night. You'd hear them all the way to Brockport!

Sandra said...

Thanks, e. Me, too!

Sandra said...

It really was. I can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice rainbow!

Sandra said...

It was pretty and a surprise.