Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Stuff and Such

We had a lollapalooza of a lightening/thunder storm around midnight. Huge boomers and lightening strikes. The power went out and didn't come back on for three hours. We are wired for the generator but it's not one of those that look something like an a/c unit up against the house. It's a regular generator we have to plug into the wired outlet in the garage. There's also some switches that need turning off on the box at the electrical pole, so it's not something you do in the middle of the night in an electrical storm. Yesterday was hot and brutally humid. No power for three hours was miserably hot. Then my Mac wouldn't turn on this morning. I thought oh, no. I lost one to lightning years ago, even though it was plugged into a supposed grounding strip. This one did it's job, the light where it has grounded written is orange. I had to plug into a different strip. I don't know if I can reset it or not. I hope so, it's a good one.

I have my virtual followup dr visit tomorrow. I'm hoping I don't mess it up. I'm grateful for these virtual visits, gas is still expensive. I have some further issues to ask about. I did spiff up my office, dusted book shelves and just generally tidied up. I am inviting the dr into my room after all. She'll see that treadmill behind me and maybe think I actually use it. Mark has an MRI tomorrow morning. We do sound broken. Next week I get to drive two hours round trip for my initial meeting with pain management and rehab. I am clueless as to what to expect. I'd love a miracle!

I finally figured out I have two extra stand fans and that I can actually put one in my office. Duh. One of the questions asked on my check-in for the appointment is if I notice or does anyone else notice cognitive problems. I said no. We won't talk about an entire summer not thinking about bringing a fan into the warm room.

I think I'll leave it at that......


Boud said...

I don't know how anyone can know about cognitive problems clearly enough to explain them! But I hope you both get good help, especially in pain management. Pain is debilitating.

We've been having high heat and humidity, but blessedly the power up to now has stayed on.

Lori Skoog said...

I think a miracle is on the way!

Val Ewing said...

I hope the pain management is helpful and I sure am crossing my fingers and toes.

The Virtual Visits are a good way to go except when you really need one on one contact of course.

Cognitive issues. Oh, like 'where are my keys' remembering 'whathisname?' or getting distracted while doing one thing and then doing something else?
I'm in trouble!

Hopefully things begin to cool down.

Sandra said...

Boud, sometimes I do wonder about myself! Pain is restricting, I'm stuck at home and I don't want to be.

I'm tired of this summer.

Sandra said...

Lori, wouldn't that be great!

Sandra said...

Val, thanks. You described me pretty well, I often can't see it if it's right in front of me!

Pixie said...

I often have telephone calls now with my doc which I quite like. Saves me an hour of driving and time waiting in the waiting room.

Here's hoping they can help with your pain.

Sandra said...

Pixie, it went really well. I think it's a good option when you don't need to be in the office.