Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Frieda's Chillin'

My baby girl, Frieda. 

This cat has accomplished what no other of my many cats have. She has taken the place of a dog in my life. I know we have a dog. I like her and she likes me, but she is Mark's dog. The dogs have always been attached to me, Keetah is all about Mark. So is the other cat, I have never been dismissed by anything or body like I have been by her. I am utterly and completely of no consequence.

I like cats, have always had cats, but I was the crazy dog lady. In the first several years we lived here I had seven dogs over sixty pounds. I looked like the pied piper walking along with that pack following behind me. Now, I have Frieda. And she's enough.

I had planned this meal for our anniversary but the combination of a horse problem and our being slightly full from our drive-in adventure put it off until last evening. Mark couldn't get his mushrooms from our local deli, they were out, but I compensated with fresh basil pesto. He thought this was fabulous, I think he was a bit delirious. It was good, no lie, but holy cow, he was raving about the flavor! I must have done something right, I just don't know what.

I should get out to do some mowing this afternoon. We've had some rain and the weeds masquerading as lawn are growing steadily. Tomatoes are ripening, the eggplant is producing and the zucchini is still filling the refrigerator. Life is rolling along.


My life so far said...

She is do beautiful. I like cats but still prefer my dogs. Our cat and I have our moments, good and bad.

Boud said...

Don't argue about how good that meal is! Just look modest and say ah, 'twere nuthin'. While bowing to the audience!

Animals are usually the decision makers around me. Handsome Partner's last dog whom I only sort of liked, fell in love with me, would only take my commands, play with toys I gave her. At that time we lived separately so she was with him and living for my appearances. Go figure. He loved and cared for her, she didn't care.

Sandra said...

My basset hounds died in 2017 & 18. Howard had so many medical problems I was stuck like glue to him. He dies first and broke my heart. The next year Murphy went. I don't handle stress or grief since my TBI, so I'm not wanting another dog. Keetah belonged to my mother, so she had to come to us.

Cats are like that!

Sandra said...

Very good advice, Boud!

Dogs and cats pick their people. Cats love Mark. This German Shepherd does, too. HPs dog saw something in you.

Val Ewing said...

As a kid we had a cat like that who hung around and played with our indoor/outdoor cat [back in the 1960's!]. I think I called her Rusty and she let me pet her and then would run if anyone else came around.
I'm a pet person. I adore pets.
If you are picked by a cat, you must be very special.

Oh and that meal! Yum! Looks amazing!

Sandra said...

I didn't used to see cats as being individuals like dogs. I wasn't looking. They every inch an individual, Val. Rusty trusted only you. Frieda is special, so maybe I am, too!

I think Mark maybe had too much wine, he went on and on! :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Perhaps Mark doesn't want to take a turn cooking...my husband only raves when he knows it might be his turn!
Cats have Staff...looks like you are it! I have really truly only loved one cat and it broke my heart when he died of Feline Leukemia back in about 1987 ...his name was Midnight. Black and white tuxcedo cat...loved him and he loved me even if he was supposed to be my oldest daughters cat.

Sandra said...

Far Side, Mark doesn't cook! He makes his own breakfast, though.

I am Frieda's staff, there's no doubt about that! Midnight picked you.