Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Teach Your Children Well

I listened to President Obama's speech to school children today.

Now I know why a certain sector of this country was so concerned. Study hard, don't give up and seek help when you need it. Oh my god, all of the young minds that were subjected to this will be turning out in the streets in their Mao caps. You upstanding true Americans certainly had it right. How ever could I have doubted your motives? I feel my own inner Mao emerging; I think it was the magic rays beaming from Obama's eyes.


Ganeida said...

Why? Were't you afraid? lol Some days I am soo happy not to have been born American. I love you guys but this is loopy~loop.

Sandra said...

Yes, we are. Sadly.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

With all the freedoms we have in the USA, I am wondering why so many people choose not to think for themselves. I think it is a big problem!

Judy said...

It appalls me that people think the President of the United States of America is trying to brainwash their children. Ignorance is bliss...or is it? Sadly, they walk amongst us.

Sandra said...

I had a white hot, burning hatred of GW, but I never would have thought to say he shouldn't speak to school children. My only comment may have been that after hearing him, they may have wondered about the value of education. Look, he's President and he didn't get one. Then the truth would need to be told, that yes he did. An expensive prep school, a degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard. Oy.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

I listened to the speech and my, my it was wicked, subversive, anti-american, communist-leaning, socialist for sure - and sure to lead children down the path to destruction. I think he also served purple koolaid (I actually just typed "kookaid" - but that would be what the tea party people serve!).

How do people allow themselves to be led, scared, and duped like this?

Memories Of Mine said...

The idea of banning his speech just made me shake my head and wonder why other nations look up to America.

Study hard, this is sinful advice that one must never follow for the evil leader.

Sandra said...

Bonnie, it's hard to comprehend what is happening here.

Liss, your statement shows how much we have lost of our standing in the world. I don't want to denigrate America, I want America to behave as America. A place to admire.

Elise, thank you for visiting and for the kind words.

Britwife said...

You know the Disney cartoon, "The Jungle Book"? The snake (Ka)can hypnotize by making his eyes spiral around...
I am now seeing the President with those spiraly (spell?) eyes. He is telling me to have another cup of coffee.

Sandra said...

Was the coffee really coffee. I may have been magic juice, which will turn you into a marxist.

Ashley Dumas said...

I am with you on this one. I understand that some people did not vote for Obama and most likely disagree with some of his policies but for heaven sakes that speech was nothing but positive.

I think that they just don't want their kids to think, "Hey, that wasn't so bad, maybe, he is not a crazy man that will destroy America after all!"
:) : )

Sandra said...

You are probably right!