Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, May 23, 2014


A look back in time; me on my old boy, Knee-High. This is probably 1972. He was really the best horse, ever.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

What a handsome boy! And I love his name!

Sandra said...

He was a draft cross and a real steady-eddy. He had four knee high stockings, which is how he got his name. Long time ago, he was my first horse.

A.Smith said...

Coming back from exile, I am so glad to see you back as well. Life continues in the dark side but I am making a valiant effort - alas, seldom succeeding - to come up for air here and there. I stop writing all together because I depressed myself reading what I wrote and so, why to inflict that to my friends. And silence was and somehow still is what kept me sane, as my own definition of sane may be these days.

Life goes on, at times it seems without me, McKenzie and Aliah are constant and faithful, trying to cheer me, doing what great dogs do: loving you unconditionally and showing you that love any way they can. Yours sing, mine sit by my bed and rub their noses on my elbows. I do not know if I could survived without them. Health continues to be nuisance and I am scheduled for surgery July 30th. The never ending story. I planted a garden with old heritage seeds and worked there, over and out most of the days. The rewards are plenty, both in amounts and most of all in taste. Every time I think about gmo I wish Monsanto would disappeared from the face of the planet in some sudden cloud descending from a just god somewhere. Why are they so indifferent to our world will always be the question for me that can only be answered by the word GREED.

I wish I could say something about your loss, but to say I know how you feel should suffice, you know from where that comes from and although someone else would think that ridiculous, I know in my soul that love has only one way of expressing itself within us, and when you love something or someone, be it a human being or an animal, loss is indistinguishable in its expression. So please know, I do understand having lost more than "just" a horse in my life and I am here to tell you that crazy as it may sound, I have yet to find the difference when mourning from one or the other.

Be well, I will be back and promise this time to stay in touch. The garden is coming alive, Allegra fell on her face so heavy was she with blooms, and the weight of the rain, so she was pruned but stubborn as the one she was named after, she is already producing more buds that her weight can hold. Does that sound familiar?

Sandra said...

I just saw this, Allegra. My email is erratic at times, or perhaps it is me. I am short on time, but will respond later.