Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

1776 - 2024


Anonymous said...

I am so horrified, scared and I feel hopeless.
Take Care,

Val Ewing said...

Appropriate. I have no other words today.

Bohemian said...

Yep... what Kaye said.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I love Barry McGuire:) It was a heck of a night last night. It was a red wave for sure, now we will see how it plays out.

nick said...

Well, he's trailed all sorts of alarming policies, but he may or may not carry them out. What he has said about Ukraine is especially worrying. Does he intend to support Putin?

Sandra said...

Kaye, I'm very, very fearful of what is awaiting us(and by virtue of the US power) the world. This 1965 song is more and more relevant. De-evolution.

Sandra said...

I have a few, but I'll keep them to myself, Val.

Sandra said...

We will Far Side.

Sandra said...

From everything he has openly said, yes, he will support Putin. He admires strongmen and now he has the authority, via the so-called supreme court, to become one. I'm sorry about it, but the advancement of Russia through Europe will be on Europe. He lies about everything but in this I believe him.

Sandra said...

You said it quite well, also, Dawn.

e said...

Deflated and sad and scared.

Rita said...


CheerfulMonk said...

It wasn’t even close. The majority of voters are unhappy and want change. I’m afraid they’ll get a lot more than they bargained for. 😒

Sandra said...

Me, too. Also extremely disappointed in humankind.

Sandra said...

The people of this country do not have one clue as to what they have done, Rita.

Sandra said...

Oh, yes. We will all suffer the consequences of what they have done, Cheerful.

Lori Skoog said...

I too, hope he is not going through with much of what he said during the campaign. Whatever happens....it is going to happen to all of us and those who voted for him are going to be in for a surprise. Let's hope something can be done for the next two months to get us prepared and protected.

Sandra said...

It will happen to all of us, Lori.

nick said...

I love the song by the way. I'm not familiar with Barry McGuire.

Sandra said...

The song, sadly, has never lost its' relevance, nick. I saw this performance on, I think, Hullabaloo, a tv program for teens in the 60s, in 1965, when this song was released. I never forgot it.