Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, December 30, 2024

A Good Man

10/1/1924 - 12/29/2024

Whatever one thought of his presidency, his decency and moral footing must be acknowledged.

He was the last president of this country who did not, in one way or another, use the office to acquire wealth.
Farewell, sir. 


Boud said...

His post presidency years were a triumph of decency and service. He was what Christians are supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more. What happened to decency and public service? It will not be reflected in the next administration..quite the opposite.
Take Care,

Ami said...

I was talking with a friend about this. Being of a certain age (Carter was the first president I ever voted for, turned 18 in 1978) . I don't remember a great deal about his presidency, because even though I was old enough to vote, I didn't know a damn thing. : )

And he was a wonderful human being. If there is an afterlife, I hope he is with his wife once more.

He was so careful to separate his business dealings before he took office. Didn't want an appearance of impropriety. Contrast that to the grifter that's about to take over again. Monetizing everything.

Sandra said...

Absolutely. Why can't the angry and judgemental, who also call themselves "Christians", see the hypocrisy, Boud? It truly baffles me.

Far Side of Fifty said...

He was a wonderful man, husband, father, farmer and President. I have the utmost respect for him above all other Presidents. He was a doer not a talker:)

Sandra said...

What happened to decency and just plain old manners, Kaye? The total lack of decorum and dignity is stunning. I've had enough of the next guy and know overload of his constant blather is on the way.

Sandra said...

I have always been of the impression that making money off your office during your term is not allowed. I guess the rules do not apply anymore. I also hope he is with his wife.

Sandra said...

I agree wholly with everything you wrote, Far Side.

Rita said...

I totally agree with you and all the commenters. We need more human beings like Carter. He will be missed.

Sandra said...

Rita, he will be missed. We don't all have to agree for civil. The rude, crude, name calling and shouting is nothing to be proud of.

Val Ewing said...

Actions always speak louder than words. He was a president I can be proud of.

Anonymous said...

I am glad Pres. Carter's funeral in Washington will be held when Biden is still the President.

Anvilcloud said...

As an exvangelical, I admire how he lived his faith.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Yes, indeed.

e said...

I agree. No-one in current politics comes close to him in terms of service or integrity.

"Tommy" said...

He spoke his mind, he spoke his thoughts, his actions where his own, He walked to the beat of his own drum, Honest Forthright, I am not sure in my life time we will ever see another President carry his self as Carter did.

nick said...

Yes, I only hear good things about Jimmy Carter, as opposed to the behaviour of later presidents, especially the president elect.

Sandra said...

Absolutely, Val. He had integrity.

Sandra said...

Me, too. I don't want to think what would happen otherwise, Kaye.

Sandra said...

He did that, AC. He put Christ back into Christian.

Sandra said...

Indeed, Dora.

Sandra said...

Not one, e. That says a lot.

Sandra said...

I agree, Tommy. Sadly.

Sandra said...

He was real, nick.

Lori Skoog said...

He did many good things that Presidents before and after him have not done. Can you imagine our next President helping to build houses?

Sandra said...

NO! He was under-appreciated as president. He lived a life to be proud of, just because it was his inner grace, Lori.