Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, March 15, 2025


I am back.

I've never done a Caturday Saturday and since Frieda is such an interesting kitty, I thought I would feature her  taking herself seriously.

I had a wonderful time with my longtime friend I met many years ago on blogger. We attempted to solve the problems of the world and when that seemed futile we just had a good time. Gatto was absolutely entranced by her. He stuck like cat hair on black wool. He even slept with her. My dear friend is a serious cat person.

Yesterday we reached 74 F. In March. Today it is snowing. The wind was so strong last night I thought we'd be visiting Oz. No kidding. Maybe about Oz, but.....?

I'll spend some time catching up on everyone. It feels like I've been MIA for a long time.



Boud said...

I'm glad you had a good time with your guest. Evidently the cats did too

e said...

Yay you!! So happy for you.

nick said...

Wonderful that you met up with your old blogmate after so long and it was like old times. And is Gatto wondering where his new friend has got to?

Anvilcloud said...

There is something relaxing about watching a cat clean itself. Happy Caturday. Let’s do this. 😎

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you had s good time with your friend. That's neat about Gatto's reaction.

Rita said...

North of you we got up to 67 yesterday, got the wind and cold temps, but barely a dusting of snow. So glad you had a good time with your blog-friend!!
You can tell Gatto that, even with anyone as gorgeous as herself, all her grooming is very much worthwhile and appreciated in every one of her photo shoots. ;)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Love the way cats wash their face and ears:) We got the horrid wind and very little snow. What snow we got was sideways:)

Lori Skoog said...

Hot! Wow. It was 66 here today and very windy so it felt much colder. Please don't send me your snow. Glad you and your friend were able to have such a good time!!! Cats sure know when you are a cat person.

Val Ewing said...

Oh I am so glad you got to spend some time with a long time friend! Solving the problems of the world are always a good thing to sit down and chew the fat on.

Happy Caturday, I'm thinking ... I wonder if we could wash up that way???

I'm sure you had the same thing happen there. Rapid change in temps!
Wild March!