instead of churning. I decided to make butter, the easy way. Not like this laborious backbreaking method.

But rather by Kitchenaid. Very, very messy and very easy. I made butter in grade school as a project with a glass jar that you shake until your arm wants to fall off, which was my last attempt. Until this past Saturday when I got the idea to try it with the mixer. Can you tell I'm bored into a stupor by my broken wrist? The best part is the buttermilk, absolutely nothing like that sour stuff you get in the grocery store. It's like comparing a five star French restaurant to Lean Cuisine. I used it to make baking powder biscuits for my lovely butter. This is a recipe I got from my mother, one I have used so many times I can't count. These biscuits were nothing like the others. Not a thing. I will continue to make butter, to go through the messy process just for the buttermilk!
lol We have inadvertently made butter for years because we overwhip the cream! ☺
The biscuits sound yummy. There's nothing like cooking with real butter.
I've come close to creating butter when I was intending whipped cream, but stopped before it got that far! What a mess when it separates from the buttermilk.
Yum,Yum...who does not love butter melting on a warm biscuit. I am already drooling!
What a baker you are...with a broken wrist none the less! I am totally impressed and the biscuits look delicious...especially if they are a recipe passed down.
Would you mind sharing the info for making the butter? The boys would think this is pretty cool!
Sure, it's very simple. I used a pint of heavy cream. Let it stand to room temperature then whip it as you would for whipped cream, but continue going. Have a towel on hand to put over the mixer and bowl as the buttermilk starts to separate from the butter. You will recognize when it's butter. Pour the buttermilk out of the bowl and add cold water and mix with the butter, repeating until the water remains clear. You need to get the buttermilk out of the butter, otherwise it will turn rancid quickly. Use the buttermilk for pancakes, biscuits or whatever. The kids will get a kick out of watching cream turn to butter!
I would love that on my toast! Don't have a mixer for that!Maybe I can convince my daughter-in-law!
You can do this in a food processor or a blender.
I never made butter but you cant bet the taste of real butter.
We have a yogurt maker but we always make too much so when it becomes too sour we drain it in a clean chux hanging in the blender. The curd becomes a sort of cheese. The whey is the sour bit and can be used to add a sour note to cooking.
Liss, you would love the buttermilk for cooking.
Kimba, hmmmmm yogurt. Now you have me thinking!
THat is great! I've never done it - the kids did the shaking in a jar thing once. (Note: I said they did it ONCE.)
I'm going to try this!
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