Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Animal House

Frieda wants to change the channel.

Homer showing off his new rain gear. Very stylish, little man. 

He came. He saw. He conquered.

No box gets out of here un-clawed.

We are having a week of extreme heat. Still no rain. Parts of the state have been getting rain but not us. I think I'll need to turn the ancient air conditioner on by tomorrow, as we are expected to be close to 100F and that gets to be a bit much, even when I'm not exerting myself. Otherwise, not a thing is happening here. Well, yesterday Topper was painful in a hind leg, it looks like he got caught up in something. He got wrapped, given bute and put on stall rest. He is better today, but still on stall rest. He is such a good boy. I whispered to him yesterday not to tell, but he is my favorite. I'm sure I saw him wink.


Boud said...

I'm guessing topper is not a cat.
Keep cool if possible!

Sandra said...

Boud, you are guessing correctly! He is a 27 yr old gelding, former stallion. He is my guy.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Stay cool it is a scorcher for sure...smoky too:(

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, so many places are having crazy high heats. I'll send you some rain. Just got back from vet visit and rained cats, dogs and stones all the way there.

Pixie said...

It's finally cooling down this week which is nice. Do you have a photo of Topper?

Anonymous said...

You have written another fun delightful post. Is Gatto missing a tip of one of his ears or is it the light playing tricks?
I am glad Topper is getting better.
I wish you a summer rain storm and a cold front.

Val Ewing said...

I sure hope Topper starts to feel better. I know how stressful it can feel to see our equine not feeling up to par.

Ami said...

Everyone looks happy to be where they are. I'm about sick of heat, what about you?

Sandra said...

Far Side, it is both for sure. We got a little rain overnight!!

Sandra said...

Stones, too!! It has been an awful summer.

Sandra said...

We have this week to get through, Pixie, then it is in the 80sF. He's on the sidebar but you wouldn't know him! I'll post a couple of photos.

Sandra said...

Val, it's very stressful. He seems better. At least one more day of bute and stall rest. He's a very good boy about it.

Sandra said...

Ami, I am beyond sick of it! The lack of rain has been really scary. We did get some rain last night, but we need more than some.

Sandra said...

Kaye, I missed responding to you somehow! Gatto was neutered by an organization that does spay/neuter on strays. They snip the tip of the ear so it's known they have been altered.

We got rain, no cold front in sight!

e said...

I'm certain he winked. I hope he mends quickly. I love Gatto's attitude!

Sandra said...

I'm sure he did, e! He's doing better and rather enjoying his stay in the barn, out of the heat and bugs. Gatto got tude!