Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, July 13, 2023

One Foot in Front of Another

Baby Girl


She wanted attention all day.

My son sent me this photo of what he called a four-legger walking with a two-stepper. They were camping somewhere, he didn't say where. It's been a difficult time in their lives. His mother-in-law has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is in hospice care. I can talk about it now as it's been shared on social media. They needed a break for a couple of days. I don't know the family, but I do know they spend a lot of time together. This is devastating for all of them. Matthew said it's been rough. 

Anyway.....we carry on. 


Boud said...

Sorry about the bad news.
Do you think kitty's missing Keetah? I wonder. Sometimes it takes a while. Or maybe she thinks there's a better chance for attention with less competition.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your son and daughter in laws sad news. I do like his photo with his dog Homer. It is a photo that shows love and caring, to me.
Take Care,

julochka said...

I'm sorry to hear this. But, as you know, I do adore your Frieda. <3

Sandra said...

Boud, yes. The cats are missing Keetah. They've been really needy. It is bad news for them.

Sandra said...

Kaye, the family is tight, they are reeling from this news, no doubt. Matthew adores that little guy. He is a cutie.

Sandra said...

Yes, I know. And you named her! It is sad about the mother, it has to be hard.

Val Ewing said...


I'm glad your son took a bit of time that photo says a lot.

Frieda just needed some one on one time.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, it's always sad to read that cancer will be claiming yet another life. There are few words to say when such news is received.

Sandra said...

Val, it is a good photo. He loves that dog. Yes, she sure did. She wouldn’t leave me alone.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sorry about the sad news..we have no choice but to carry on
. That is a nice photo of your son and his dog:)

Sandra said...

Thank you, Far Side. I think I will print the photo and frame it.

Sandra said...

Beatrice, your comment was in spam. Thank you, you are right, there are few words. I don't know them, but it's affecting those I do, so I feel for them.

Far Side of Fifty said...

An update for you. I saw a Rheumatologist. He thinks I may have Psoratic Arthritis and that is why I am so tired and my joints hurt so much. He started me on low dose Prednisone for two weeks to see what that does....if it doesn't help he is convinced it is Residual Lymes. He did a bunch of blood tests and xrays.

Sandra said...

I'm so glad for you! I hope this is the beginning of your getting better, Lori.