Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Little This. A little That.


It's 30 F / -1 C this crisp morning. Brrrrrr. Soon we will be seeing this. I hope. We didn't get much snow last year and that's not good.

Tomorrow will be warm enough to get back to the painting outside I need to finish. Yesterday was another puttering about the house kind of day. I have three days, starting tomorrow, that will be warm enough for what I need to finish. Time is slipping away from me. 

I did succeed in making sandwich rolls and they turned out well. If I do say so myself. I'd made Italian sausage and potato soup a few days ago which the rolls will go very well with. It's definitely a soup kind of day. Tonight I'm braising country style beef ribs and I think tomorrow will be eggplant lasagna. I have several eggplant to use before they go over. I gave my son two when he visited last Sunday. This is how well he knows his mother; he asked if I grew them and seemed a bit surprised. Yes, like forever. 

Gatto is tearing through the house like he's on something. This cat is nuts. I did read that the curly tailed cats have a feral gene. I believe it. Speaking of feral.....a few days ago I was on the phone with a friend and we were speaking about the turn a certain political party wants to make on the rights of so many. We were speaking specifically about women. I said I could not be in a male dominated relationship/marriage. She said I would be a feral housewife. I got a big laugh out of that one! Don't tell anyone, but it's true.

I think I've babbled on long enough. Good day to all.


Val Ewing said...

Hah. I corrected my first husband's friends when they referred to me as HIS housewife. I said I was not married to our house and I was NOT his. Ever.
I was a wife and a mom. I guess you would then know who I do not want as a POTUS.
I made chili as we are very frosty in the mornings plus, leftovers are good.
Your menu sounds delicious.

nick said...

Perhaps the feral Gatto needs a spell in rehab, lol

Boud said...

I can see a feral housewife zooming around the house late at night. Probable moving furniture.

Sandra said...

So true, Val. Why housewife? Stupid word! I'll be making chili next week.

Sandra said...

I think Gatto is hopeless, nick!

Sandra said...

Or biting the ankle of the "man of the house" Boud!

Anvilcloud said...

Same temp here this morning and doggone windy too. We'll get milder temperatures midweek.

CheerfulMonk said...

I was a maverick and a misfit even as a kid. I was the "lazy" one in the family because i didn't like housework, always had my nose in a book. I ended up doing just fine.

Sandra said...

At least it isn't windy here, AC. The air does have a bit of a bite to it.

Sandra said...

I don't actually know you, Cheerful but somehow I'm not at all surprised that you were/are a maverick!

Lori Skoog said...

It was 35 here this morning and I needed to dress for it. A soup day with plenty of leftovers. Don't even get me started on rights....I will never understand why so many don't understand what is going on under our noses. No way, would I put up with male domination.