Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

My slim hope this would be gone was dashed. Neighbor Bill and his brother-with-the-giant-chainsaw did get the tree that fell and smashed the east pasture gate cut up. That was the only tree for the day. I do believe this is destined to be lawn ornamentation. It does look as if it has two arms reaching out. In the scheme of things, not the largest problem. I will keep repeating this to myself.

We are having another above average temperature today. Tomorrow we are going to go back to "normal", something that has been hard to gage the past few years. We reached 85 F/30 C. Not what one expects in a Minnesota late October. I look forward to crisp autumn days.

Otherwise, life is stumbling along. Cats are being, well, cats. The equines are wondering when they will get relief from bugs. The mares are overjoyed to be moved to the east pasture with all that grass and Zing (the stallion) is delighted to have a view of the ladies. I am having coffee and spending time here. Not bad in the whole scheme of things.


Boud said...

We're in the 80s this afternoon, too. No house heat yet. It's weird. That tree is going to be a natural sculpture in your yard. I guess guys don't see the problem if it's not blocking a driveway or a fence!

Pixie said...

It was snowing last night on the way home from work, not much, but still snow. It melted when it hit the ground but winter is coming.

There are small, battery operated chainsaws that work quite well. We have one and I love it. Much less scary than giant, gas powered chainsaws.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It will eventually rot away:) Maybe put some decorations ..flower pots...etc around it.

e said...

It is rather decorative. I like the idea of putting flower pots around it too. Have a sweet day.

Val Ewing said...

I put flower pots on stumps in my yard, I like Far Side's idea of putting flowers and decorations around it!
Or spray paint it with "Help Me, I've Fallen and Can't Get Up!"
See what the guys thing of that!

Rita said...

We're back down to 57 for a high today. More normal. Like you said, "normal" isn't what it used to be. Hard to predict. I am praying we won't have another brown winter.
Val's spray paint idea had me almost spit out my coffee!! LOL!

Sandra said...

You are absolutely right on that, Boud. What's the hurry?

Sandra said...

We need a large chainsaw, Pixie. The trees tend to be big. I told Mark I'll be buying him a birthday present if he doesn't get his chainsaw back by the end of November.

Sandra said...

I think you may be onto something, Far Side!

Sandra said...

I think it's a good idea, too, e.

Sandra said...

I told Mark this and he had a good laugh. Then he asked if I actually would do this. Absolutely. I have a can of bright yellow paint.

Sandra said...

Val had me laughing, too. Blogger friends are the best. It's so dry, Rita. Let it snow, let it snow.

nick said...

We have a pittosporum that leans alarmingly and I keep expecting the next gale to fell it but so far so good. Tree disposal doesn't come cheap.

Sandra said...

No, it doesn't, nick