Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, October 11, 2024


In the spirit of keeping my cheering squad informed - yesterday I got the windows washed on the outside. Yes. I really did do it. I also split this old and sort of sad Spider Plant and repotted the Mandevilla. This morning I updated both Chrome and Safari (I know hard, right?) and got Mark's wireless working again. He was a bit, hmmmm, frantic. For a reason, he's trying to get client work done. After lunch I will stain the siding on the end of the house to the east. The stain has come off in many places and needs help. It's not a huge job, it only requires sitting on a stool to do. That end is mostly tall windows and I only need to stain the bottom part. The top is protected by wide eaves and has no damage. There will be a small amount of touchup on the trim. There is so much catch-up to do but I need to focus on what I get done and gear myself up for more in the spring. It's amazing how necessary I am and how much I took care of, which now excludes the care of the horses, but didn't used to. I am easily tipped over, which means handling those rather large beasts is not yet part of the program.

That's the report. Over and out.



Boud said...

You've gone zero to sixty on all fronts, go you!

Rita said...

Yay! From part of your cheering squad!! :)

Lori Skoog said...

I agree with Boud! I am dazzled!