Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, October 7, 2024

Take a Bow

I had a busy AND productive four days. Loping saplings, washing windows, sills and baseboards. Steam cleaning rugs and then  starting the bringing of plants in for winter.

Gatto and Frieda have always been deeply intrigued by the palm. I need to keep it far enough away from the piano (cat perch) so they cannot maul it. You can see a spattering of color on the maples through the clean windows. Well, almost clean, I still have outside to do.

We have been surviving on leftovers the past few days. I'm done-in by the end of the day, making dinner just hadn't been on the agenda. Last evening I had no choice, all leftover food had been consumed. So, a boneless chicken breast with a bit of pasta and the usual suspects. Also a bushel of spinach to end up with a tablespoon.

As a believer in acknowledging accomplishments, I toasted myself at the end of the day with a glass of zero alcohol Sauvignon blanc. 



Lori Skoog said...

You have been busy! I brought in a couple plants this weekend too....Boston ferns. Love the top photo with the fern and the cat. Classic!

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have been busy! Nice to cross things off the list!

Miss Merry said...

Oh, I have a list with items that need crossed off! You did deserve a reward.

Sandra said...

Gatto is a perfect poser! Or is that poseur?

Sandra said...

It really is. I'm surprised I stayed motivated that long.

Sandra said...

I thought so! After several years of neglect my list is long, but I'm going to look at the accomplishments and not the things remaining.

Boud said...

You did a lot. And yes on the spinach cooking down to nearly nothing.