Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

We had our first frost overnight. These are happy to be safe inside.

I have been staring at the computer screen for what seems like forever, realizing there is nothing fit to print happening in my life. Plenty happening in the world. I read a Georgia judge struck down the hand count, after the automated count of votes, before certifying the election result, saying something like"too much too late". I will admit I worry about all of this. 

Enough of that. Onto the important stuff. I thawed duck stock for soup, today is the day to make said soup. Perhaps some bread will be made. Tomorrow I start up the outside work again. Neighbor Bill stopped by yesterday. It was pleasant to have another person to talk to for awhile. He is the neighborhood mechanic, which means he has been busy keeping farm equipment running. He told me he hasn't forgotten about the wood pellet stove. Mark could probably fix it, but Mark does not like doing that sort of thing. He is not mechanical and doesn't want to be. It's beyond my realm.

It's 9:30. Time to start my day. Have a good Wednesday, one and all.


Boud said...

Duck soup? That's a movie!

Sandra said...

It is. Marx Brothers!

Rita said...

Be glad when this is over--even though I doubt it will be right on election day. Soon after, I hope.
Can almost hear Harpo's horn! LOL! ;)

Sandra said...

HA! I'm nervous about it. An awful lot is at stake, Rita.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Those days when I find myself just staring at the computer or off into space can be unnerving for me when they happen, thankfully they don't happy every week.

Anvilcloud said...

What a lovely picture with backlight on the magenta flowers and on the outside leaves too.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Last time I had duck I was single.

CheerfulMonk said...

That picture is gorgeous!

Sandra said...

It can be unnerving, Jo-Anne.

Sandra said...

I feel flattered having that praise come from you, AC. Thank you.

Sandra said...

I think that was a while ago, Dora! It has jumped up in price, so now I walk on by.

Sandra said...

Grazie, Cheerful!

nick said...

I don't know about Mark, but I'm very nervous of any kind of DIY. I'm afraid I'll do something horribly wrong and end up with some mess that a professional has to sort out.

Sandra said...

Mark does fence repair and things like that. Otherwise we get someone who knows what they are doing, like you do. Seems a wise choice.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your Petunias look so pretty!