Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Another Year

The boys patiently lined up to come in.

The rain we had a few days ago took our snow. Dreary. It looks like November. We had a peaceful New Year day, a fire and a Twilight Zone marathon. Rod Serling was a genius.

Today I'll pack away Christmas and the rooms will look empty for awhile. I did really enjoy the feel of it this year, but now it's time. I don't make resolutions, I never kept them anyway, but I decided on a commitment, which is just another way of making a resolution. The past several months I fell away from my stretching and exercise routine. What did I think, I'd simply get stronger and more flexible doing laundry? As they say, I'm not getting any younger. As a matter of fact, my birthday is next week. Yes, I am a Capricorn. An old goat.

I think I'll go eat my toast and peanut butter and pedal my machine that takes me nowhere.


Far Side of Fifty said...

I don't like resolutions either! I may or may not pick a word for the new year, we will see:)

e said...

My only goal is to stay alive. Enjoy your day.

Boud said...

I like the kind of resolution that's about improving my life, not me. Like flowers in the house.

Sandra said...

I like to think I'm committed to a better me, Far Side!

Sandra said...

That is a very worthy goal, e.

Sandra said...

Improving me, physically is improving my life, Boud. I won't be who I was just a few short years ago, but I can be physically better if I work on what helps me be better. I am thinking toward the future and how aging can naturally change you. I don't need to help it along. I do like flowers, outside the house and in the house, a good resolution, indeed!

CheerfulMonk said...

My resolution has always been keep on doing what I’ve been doing, which included learning and growing. When I think about that now at 85, I have to laugh. Well, maybe not all that I had been doing. 😊

nick said...

I gave up new year resolutions (or commitments) some time ago. Every year I resolved to be less anxious and every year I failed. Now I just bumble along. And I'm Pisces.

Val Ewing said...

I'm like you, no resolutions, but at least I can have vague goals.
Good for you pedaling to nowhere! That always helps if you can do it.
I'm committed to trying to keep up my strength and mobility and that is a thing I've been doing now for as many years as I've been Caregiving. I think it has made a huge difference for me.

Yes, the pastures look very November-ish! Brown and brown!

Lori Skoog said...

Our weather seems to follow you one day after. By tonight the snow we had this morning was gone. No resolutions here...just have to keep moving so I can keep moving. I thought you were doing well in 2024, but it sounds like you are going to have an even better 2025. I want to see you out there with your horses! Toast and peanut butter...always a great. combination.

Bohemian said...

Look at those Guys patiently in Line, they behave more than most Humans. *LOL* Glad your New Years was Peaceful, Tranquil, and Yes, Rod Serling was a Genius and I Loved that Show and still enjoy the Reruns.

Anvilcloud said...

You have just reminded me that I should go and do my stretches.

Rita said...

Sandra! If you would like a birthday card please send me your address to soulcomfort at gmail. Loved the Twilight Zone!! :) :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hubby and I watch Twilight marathon. Now we're watching Twilight zone on Pluto.

Sandra said...

Maybe not all! This is actually a good way of thinking, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

Pisces seems apt for you, nick. Anxiety is not something you can resolve away.

Sandra said...

I'm very good at going nowhere, Val! To say you have kept your strength and mobility is a huge understatement. You are fit.

Sandra said...

Toast and natural peanut butter is my morning ritual, Lori. I'm a creature of habit. Hopefully this current weather doesn't come your way....low single digits below zero at night and low two digit temps during the day. January has made an entrance!

Sandra said...

These horses have lived together all their lives and have a orderly routine. They do have proper manners! Yes, truly genius, too bad he smoked himself to death, Dawn.

Sandra said...

You are welcome, AC!

Sandra said...

I will do that, Rita! Kind of you to offer.

Sandra said...

It is addictive, Dora. He was an amazing mind.