Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Happy Wednesday to you all. We are out of the freezer for today, put back in tomorrow and then it's moderate temperatures for the foreseeable future. My little Frieda joined me for an afternoon in a sunbeam. She graciously allows me to use her ottoman and throw. She is so kind and gracious. It was so cold yesterday I didn't bother to get out of my warm robe.

I followed through and made a pasta dish with the leftover salmon. Pasta stretches a small amount of protein into a meal. As you have undoubtedly noticed, pasta is the main carb used in this abode. 

I really like gelato and have decided to make some. I have an ice cream maker and have made ice cream often, but never gelato. May do this today or tomorrow. Add a bit of diversion into my life, but not too much! On that note, soup will be made today and life will carry on.  


Boud said...

I've never tried pasta with salmon. Noted. I think I'd like it. Meanwhile stay warm.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cold here yet today and then MAYBE a warm up at least above zero!! Stay warm and cozy!

Sandra said...

Salmon is very good with pasta and a great way to use a small amount leftover. It's good in a cream sauce and in an oil and also with a little red pepper flakes. Really, what ever you fancy, Boud!

Sandra said...

It's warmer today, below zero again tomorrow and then a warming trend. You stay warm up there in the frozen northland, Far Side.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Salmon with anything sound delicious to me, Sandra. And we also enjoy pasta dishes, but more so rice of which we have several varieties always in the pantry. Your temps are much colder than Nashua, NH, ours have been single digits overnight and teends in the daytime. The cats have the right idea - find a nice comfy blanket and some sunshine and nap away.