Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Good dreary Tuesday morning. We may get rain, which we need. I went to PT yesterday and have a primary appointment later in the week. I like the physical therapist, she is conversational, making the whole thing rather pleasant. I also can tell I'm incrementally improving. All improvement is welcomed. 

My Frieda is doing her best to calm and relax me. It's a sacrifice for her, no doubt, but she is devoted to the cause. 

Has anyone had Chilean sea bass? I had not until a couple of days ago. Aldi had it in their special finds. It was expensive but not really when I looked it up online and saw it was less than half the normal cost. So I bought it. There is a completely different texture to any fish I've had, sort of creamy. Buttery? I liked it but will probably never have it again. Not at the going price. As things are right now, I wouldn't buy it again at the price I paid.

I'm going to have the Wellbutrin dosage increased when I see my primary this week. I'm on the lowest dose, which has been working well with the other med, but I'm starting to slip into the blackhole and I don't want to go there. Clinical depression is no joke. It steals your life. As many people know. This, lack of balance and some difficulty finding words seem to be the only lasting damage from the brain injury, which I am grateful for. It was worse. There is one more thing remaining, I show emotion much more than I did before TBI.

Well, 'nuff of that. One day at a time, right? 

Saturday, March 1, 2025


I have a heavy heart this morning. There is nothing positive to come out of my fingers onto this keyboard, so I will leave it to a photo of sheet pan lasagna for today. If only life were as uncomplicated as this.