Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Fine Day

We had a pleasant afternoon yesterday with Matthew. He brought fried chicken and all the sides. We provided a beer. Mark looks like he may be worried he'll be squished by Grizzly Adams. 

He is much more comfortable when he is the taller one. I look like a frumpy old lady. Ah, well.

Matthew snuck in a shot of his mother.

It was a hot one yesterday and today is more rain, all day, and cooler. We have flood warnings around the state. The sump pump is on  constantly. I think we are waterlogged.

Today is laundry, oh boy! Other than that, I think I'll have another relaxing day. Rainy days are so good for that. Maybe I'll start bread dough fermenting. Decisions, decisions.

You all have a good day, I know many are in a heatwave. Stay cool, if you can. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

relaxing days are good, looks like you had a good Father's day!

Sandra said...

They are, Far Side. We had a good day.

Anonymous said...

You do not look like an old frumpy old lady! I repeat you do not look like an frumpy old lady. You look good and I like your outfit.
Take Care,

Boud said...

You look like a sharp older lady to me. And Matthew must be a big man. You must come up to his chest pocket! It sounds like a very good father's day.

Boud said...

Am I in spam?

Sandra said...

Kaye, we are our own worst critic! (I still think I look frumpy 😉) I have a lot of clothes I haven't been able to wear for 8 years. I'm going to hem the top some to make it shorter.

Sandra said...

Indeed you were, Boud. Matthew is tall and large bodied like his bio-dad's family. He doesn't look like he belongs to us!. And, thanks!

Lori Skoog said...

Such great photos! Very nice to see your son and Mark....and more photos of you. You definately do not look frumpy. I have many tops that are long on me (as I am short), but I like them that way. We are now in a week long heatwave.....yuck.

Sandra said...

Lori, I think you are shorter than I am which is 5'2". I like them long, but not that long. It looks like a dress! We were 90 F yesterday, today more rain and mid 60s. Then it warms up again. Yuck is right!

Miss Merry said...

I think you look lovely! What a great visitor to bring the meal with him!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Lovely photos.

Rita said...

You do not look frumpy!
Looks like a very nice Father's Day. :)

Val Ewing said...

The vote is IN! You are not Frumpy. You look great!

Long tops are in. Well at least I like them.

Nice to see photos of you guys!

Pixie said...

Your son has a lovely smile. I love your outfit and I vote with everyone else, you don't look frumpy.

Sandra said...

Ok, as Val said, the vote is in! I should clarify, I don't think the sitting photo looks frumpy, the one standing next to Mark.....but the people have spoken!!

nick said...

A heat wave? I wish. Current outside temperature here is 15C. No sign of summer paying a visit. And I make no comment on people's personal appearance!

Anvilcloud said...

You look rather regal in the chair.

Sandra said...

It isn't just the heat. We've had so much rain the humidity is off the chart, Nick.

Sandra said...

It's funny you said that, AC. Years ago a good friend brought me a plaque for the barn that said 'the queen is not accepting an audience today'! She was almost rolling on the floor with laughter. Bill's wife calls me Diva. I have no idea why. 😉

Ami said...

Nice looking guys. And yes, your shirt is too big, but you know what? You look very elegant sitting in that chair.

Sandra said...

Ami, yes, the shirt is not flattering but it does look much better when I'm sitting. I think I needed a champaign flute in my hand whilst sitting in the chair!