Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Making Space. Making a Mess.

Yes, another highly anticipated progress photo and report.

You are welcome. 

I spent yesterday afternoon emptying and reorganizing closet space. I moved my newly assembled shoe rack from the main closet to the adjacent space. Many shoes are slated for donation. I was a shoe nut in my time. Now I'm whittled down to these. I'll never wear the riding boots again but I will keep them as a fond memory.

In my usual conversation with myself I pondered on how slow I work. I was thinking it was aging and my still limited physical ability, and yes, that does play a role. Thinking a little deeper I saw, thought, I have always been slow and methodical in my work. I'm simply a bit slower now. That somehow buoyed my spirits.

Now, I start working on the disaster I created in the rest of the room through my small endeavor. You wouldn't think such a mess could be made from a closet reorganization, but I am a champ.


Boud said...

I think your more defined life might just be showing your natural rhythm. You probably had so much going on in past years, horses, business, entertaining, all that, you didn't have time to consider it. Always on to the next thing. Slow and methodical has a lot to recommend it.

Sandra said...

Liz, you are astute. I gave your comment some thought and, yes. You are correct. I never would have handled my work load and other life had it not been for my slow, methodical, organized personality. I did at times feel overwhelmed, no lie, but mostly it was just life and a life I overall enjoyed. Most people would find that crazy, but I guess, there you are! People would ask me how I managed it all. My simple answer was, one foot in front of the other.

Rita said...

I like to think of it as being thorough. I used to be faster at being thorough than I am now, but I was always thorough. I just have more time available now than I used to have and less irons in the fire. Now that's a good thing. Life is less stressful. ;)

Sandra said...

Rita, I'm not sure I was ever fast at being thorough! I do have more time and I am slowly starting to use it wisely. There's that slow word again.😉

Miss Merry said...

I really like your shoe rack! Kudos on closet cleaning. I emptied every drawer in my dresser recently -donated bags of stuff. And still could barely shut the organized drawers.

It is so frustrating when things take much longer than they should these days.

Anvilcloud said...

As slow as you might be, you have a lot of choices about putting your best foot forward. 😊

Val Ewing said...

A mess indeed! I do that when cleaning. Dump everything out of a closet and then sort and sort. It does make a big mess, but at the same time...it is satisfying when it is all cleaned up.

My problem is getting distracted half way through!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, how do we end up with so much stuff?

It doesn't seem fair that time speeds up yet we slow down!

Sandra said...

AC, indeed! I do like a sense of humor.

Sandra said...

Val, I'm like you, one job done leads to another mess. Too many things, I guess. I distract easier than I used to.

Lori Skoog said...

If I could ever get the lead out, one of those shoe racks would be perfect. So many barn boots etc. on top of at least a dozen crocs...who knows if I will ever be wearing them again. Speed should not be an issue...at least you are accomplishing something....who cares how long it takes?

Sandra said...

Lori, you are so active in your community how could you have much lead! My barn boots are on a ledge along the basement staircase wall. I have paddock boot on the top shelf of the shoe rack. Those can be worn as regular ankle boots. Alas, my days of tall riding boots are over.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sometime I make a huge mess when cleaning! It happens. :) I have shoes to get rid of too:)

Sandra said...

I have been making a new mess today. Slowly slogging through the neglect. I have a bunch of heals going to Goodwill. Once they were all I wore, now they give me the shudders.

nick said...

Like you, I've always been slow and methodical in my work, except when I'm doing some tedious domestic chore, when I try to get through it in the shortest time possible. I don't have enough shoes to fill a shoe rack though.

e said...

Slow and steady is good and Boud is correct. Good luck with the clearing up!

Sandra said...

nick, the fact you do tedious domestic chores is good enough! I had a thing for shoes, not as bad anymore. Which is good, as I don't go anywhere.

Sandra said...

e, as long as things are moving forward it is good enough. I agree about Boud. She is wise.