Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Venturing Forth

It's a jungle out there.

I spent yesterday working in the jungle. I pulled more weeds from the wild violets, that is done. I transplanted daylily into two very large pots, I'm not wanting to buy flats and flats of annuals anymore. I got annuals I bought last week, marigolds and petunias, into the pots in front of the barn. I plan to transplant some of the massive amount of phlox into areas I would not mind their being their prolific selves. This is a large property and we are getting old, time to start narrowing down some of the areas of care with plants that don't need my attention. I plan to put daylily around a bird bath in the area by the huge patch of violets. They can argue with one another over the space. One thing I am certain of....when the world ends, daylily and phlox will survive and conquer.

More work today.


Boud said...

My tiny patio is a jungle, too. You're right to go with perennials which run their own lives. My hibiscus is finally going, so by next year there won't be room for annuals. But it will supply big flowers, all being well.
Day lilies run their world.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yes Daylilies do great:)

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm all for a simplier yard at any age. I love the things that grow without us. Pretty great idea. Happy Planting.

Sandra said...

Boud, I have so many plants I can transplant I may as well take advantage of them. It is so much easier and less costly.

Sandra said...

Far Side, daylilies are just about indestructible.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Ivy. Nice to have you around again.

Rita said...

Nice to let the persistent plants do most of the work--lol!
I hope you've had a break from the heat for a few days like we have up here. :)

Lori Skoog said...

Our yard is also full of ginormous vegetation. I wish Gary would not put such huge plants in the kitchen garden....so out of balance for the space. We could stand to get rid of several gardens. Our veggies are going crazy. 1000 garlic plants..400 onions..50 San Marzano tomatoes and 11 raised beds that are loaded with all kinds of veggies. OUT OF CONTROL. Fortunately I am not the Gardner. Kudos to you for getting out there!

Val Ewing said...

Nice work! I am looking for simplifying some areas also. I let my spring garden do its own thing and weed it twice a year.
I have three patches of annuals I do plant. This year, the garden by the kitchen is pitiful. The seeds I collected of zinnias last year must not have been so great.
My other patches are so thick that no weeds can even come up and they are cosmos.

Having gardens are fun. Making it simple is even better.

Anvilcloud said...

I really like phlox, but years ago, I only had one of three that survived, and it is looking poorly this year. Perhaps it doesn't prefer the excessive rain.

Sandra said...

Rita, we have had a break. It's another nice day with a good breeze.

Sandra said...

Gary blows mu mind, Lori! He is the ever ready battery. I think Gary needs to be busy all of the time.

Sandra said...

Val, I agree heartily with simpler. I used to have a large vegetable garden. 2017 was the last year. I then went to containers and much less. I put annuals in pots, but much less than I used to do. I have an area phlox took over that is like your garden, so thick weeds don't have a chance!

Sandra said...

AC, you went to spam. I should send you some seed in the fall. I am overrun by them. Beautiful pests!

e said...

I hope you enjoy your time outside and stay hydrated, thanks for visiting today.

Sandra said...

e, always a pleasure. I'm about to head out for some weeding. It's a nice day with some wind, perfect!