Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, June 15, 2024



Go Away 

It's the middle of June. I bought my plants yesterday. I think this is the latest start I've had, but in my defense the weather has not been cooperative. We have rain forecast all day, starting this morning. I planted most of the herbs and one tomato that can grow in a container. The rest I'll try to get done today, in between the rain. I found my mosquito repeller, thank Oden, it allows me to do some work outside. I hope we don't have an early autumn.

The son is coming tomorrow, bringing lunch. I do enjoy not being responsible for the food. He usually brings pizza or fried chicken, both of which I'm all good with. Bill's brother mowed our lawn yesterday. Our mower isn't home yet, I don't think Bill feels well. 

As you can tell, life is quiet. Which is not a bad thing, except it doesn't make for anything interesting to report. Ah, well.....


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Life being quiet is OK as sometimes even what we may consider as ordinary is extraordinary to another. Hope the plants do well as there are days I do miss puttering around in a yard...but then I get over that feeling.

Sandra said...

My days of a large vegetable garden are over, but I do plant in old water troughs and containers, Dorothy. As I get stronger I hope to get back in the game, at least some of the game! Life seems more hopeful at the moment. You've got so much happening I would be easy to get over it!

nick said...

For some reason most cats run away from me as fast as they can (my height? my glasses?), but there's one very friendly black cat a few doors away that always wants a a stroke and a fondle and a bit of attention.
Good luck with the new plants.

Miss Merry said...

quiet is a good thing! Our weather is forecast to be about 20 degrees warmer next week than this week. Our plan is to stay indoors and vegetate.

Boud said...

Back during some of my difficult years, I'd have given anything for quiet days with not much happening. Now I've got them, such luxury! You always manage to have something to say.
How nice to have a guest who brings lunch! And I hope Bill isn't in health trouble. He's so active, it's not like him.

Anvilcloud said...

Welcome aboard. Three are not two of us. Despite having posted many, it's over along period of time. Who knows when I will post next.

Sandra said...

nick, cats we've had mostly ignored me, but they adore Mark. Go figure. I had one cat who treated us both the same way, with disdain. It's late but still should be ok as long as we don't have an early frost.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, it will be hot here, as well. 90F tomorrow and humid and more rain later in the day. Staying in to vegetate is the proper plan!

Sandra said...

AC< I'm glad to be onboard! If one owns, or is owned, by six cats I think it's a proper place for me to be! I usually don't know what I'm going to post tomorrow.

Sandra said...

Boud, you landed in spam. I sure understand the appreciation of quiet days when they are rarely happening in life. Back in the day I had a lot to say but I don't think anyone would have wanted to hear it!

Pixie said...

Our old, arthritic cat, caught and killed a sparrow yesterday. There was Jack and the dogs and the cat, and me trying to put the poor thing in a bag and then the garbage. Too much drama. I slept with the killer last night:)

Sandra said...

They are serial killers, aren't they? Cute little things that they are! That was some drama, Pixie.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cats and boxes...they love them! So glad your son is coming to visit!

Val Ewing said...

I love your beautiful planters! I have old galvanized buckets that were used many years ago for gathering maple sap. But one day I may have some pretty planters!

Glad you are getting out and about more! Things sure are looking up.
Cats love boxes don't they? Or are they just curious and love to climb onto and into things...

I sure hope Bill is going to be okay.

Quiet day here today. Maybe Rich's daughter will think to call and talk to him.

Sandra said...

Far Side, there is something about a box that makes them happy!

Sandra said...

Val, I hope his daughter will call. It's a simple thing to do. I have quite a few not beautiful pots, just not on the deck! They do like their boxes, especially this boy.

I have been able to do some work outside, when it isn't raining. We had a torrent yesterday and now have a large pond in the front yard.

Rita said...

I do so appreciate quiet, ordinary days! :)

Sandra said...

Rita, they do have their purpose.😉