Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, June 24, 2024

We had a day without rain Sunday. It's sunny and nice at the moment. Hopefully we have string of theses days so more hay can be cut and baled. I baked a loaf of buckwheat bread, a 50-50 blend of buckwheat and all purpose flour. I did an autolyse and then an eighteen hour ferment. It did really reduce the density of the bread. It looks like chocolate, doesn't it? 

Time has been racing by. It feels like June has disappeared in a whoosh of unnoticed days. Perhaps I need to be mindful of my days before there aren't any left! Well, the excitement of this day will be picking up my grocery order. The refrigerator is a bit bare, no greens at all. 

As is evident, I have nothing on my mind nor happening at the moment in my life, so it is best to say ciao before I bore you and myself into a stupor. Ciao.


Boud said...

That looks very like a chocolate cake. Hard to believe it's bread. Is it the buckwheat that's dark in color?

Sandra said...

Boud, I know! I haven't had a loaf with buckwheat be this dark before, but I used a 3-1 ration in the past. One being the buckwheat. I wonder if the autolyse process changed it somehow? Fermenting? It's black bread! Tastes good.

Anvilcloud said...

I agree with you and Boud about it looking like cake. I am wondering how it tasted, as bread I mean.

Rita said...

Does look a bit like chocolate cake. Was it as good or better than a regular loaf?

I may bore other people with my blogs, but I can't say I am ever bored--lol! I write about what interests me. Maybe I am just a lover of small moments and insignificant things--lol! I would bet that anything that interests you would interest me. ;)

Val Ewing said...

Yum. I love the looks of that bread.
Nothing much here except preparing for another round of heavy rains and possible straight winds. We got some mowing done but it is mugg-ly.

Lori Skoog said...

Yep! It looks like a giant chocolate cupcake. I can't imagine how much hay you need for all the horses. Hopefully someone else is doing all the work. I'm waiting for second cutting grass...most of the first cutting has been done around here. It was actually in the high 50s this morning for a change and we still need rain. Aren't you glad you can pick up your own groceries? As you know, my blog is a journal....what I do everyday and it has been 15 years. I'm not a writer...but I love taking photos.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Interesting looking bread! I have a friend who makes chocolate bread and it is really good!

Ami said...

I thought it was chocolate and now I am disappointed.

BootsandBraids said...

I got all excited because I thought I was looking at a delicious devil foods chocolate cake.

Sandra said...

AC, it's good. A nutty flavor, a bit stronger than I have had before because I used more buckwheat. I like it.

Sandra said...

Rita, it's good. Next time I'll go back to the 1-3 method, but I still like it.

I think I bore myself!

Sandra said...

It is good, Val.

We already have a high dew point. Tomorrow is supposed to be better.

Sandra said...

Lori, nowI want a chocolate cupcake! Compared to the amount of hay I need for a couple of decades what I need now seems small. Until I have to write the check, that is.

You have an active life so you often have things to write about. And music, don't forget the music.

Sandra said...

Farside, I'll have to look that up. I'm intrigued.

Sandra said...

AMi, I'm sorry. :)

Sandra said...

B&B I guess this was a teaser! I should have put a title. Not Chocolate cake.