Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, June 10, 2024

Busy Monday Morning

I went to my rescheduled medical appointment this morning and decided to take one of my lousy selfies before I left. As of today I have lost 67 pounds in about two years. A little left, but if the weight loss stops now, I can live with it. The PA agreed that a muscle relaxer may help ease the tightness in my back. If not, then it's to PT for something called dry needles. Otherwise, I'm as fine as hens' teeth. 

It's a beautiful day and one I should get myself outside to do some garden work. Mark has gone to the deli to pick up lunch, then after laundry and lunch are done I think I will head outside.

Another food photo, what else is new? I think this is probably one of my favorite dinners. Easy and delicious, what more could I want? Well, maybe winning the lottery.....

Happy Monday one and all.



Boud said...

You're looking pretty sharp there! And sounding so much better, more energy.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Boud. I do have more energy. Sometimes medication is what a person needs. I'll take it!

e said...

Take a well deserved bow!

Rita said...

Looking great! Congrats!
Me--I've gained back half of what I lost going through cancer treatments--lol!

Sandra said...

e, I will do that just for you!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Rita. I think that is not a thing to fret about. You are out of treatment👏👏

Val Ewing said...

That is so fantastic!
You look like you are doing much better!

Yummy looking food too.

I'm so happy that the PA seems to listen to you.

Lori Skoog said...

You look FANTASTIC!!!!! So glad you were able to lose the weight and are feeling so much better. Your energy level being greater is such an upper. As per usual, your dinner looks outrageous. Yay!!!!

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful and very stylish! Fingers crossed that the muscle relaxers bring relief.

I got my back lawn mowed and it makes me very happy when my mighty, mighty Toro starts and does the job! I moved it up to mountains from Salt Lake City 24 years ago. She is a good girl.
Take Care,

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yeah to you, Sandra, that weight loss is quite something to be pleased about. You are definitely making great progress and gettint out & about. Easy dinners are great and shrimp js so versatile.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Never heard of dry needles.

nick said...

Good luck with the muscle relaxers. Maybe that's something I should try for my intermittent back pain. I'd never heard of dry needling either. It sounds a bit unpleasant.

Anvilcloud said...

You sure don't look like someone who needs to lose weight.

Sandra said...

Val, it's amazing that we feel relief when we find a medical professional who pays attention. One would think that's part of the job.

I feel much better. The second antidepressant has a lot to do with it.

Sandra said...

Lori, you are very kind. I am so happy to be able to walk again. It will take time to gain strengthened endurance, but that's to be expected, especially when we get older.

I really like shrimp and pasta together.

Sandra said...

Kaye, me, too. I really don't want to keep going in for treatment. I said I'd try the muscle relaxer first. I cannot imagine how beautiful living in the mountains would be.

It's a blessing when your mower behaves!

Sandra said...

Dora, she said it's similar to acupuncture but the needles have an electrical pulse. She is a strong proponent of the treatment.

Sandra said...

nick, I've had acupuncture and it doesn't hurt at all. She said it's similar to that. Muscle relaxer cause drowsiness, so that is the downside. I used them decades ago and they did help then.

Sandra said...

AC, that's a nice thing to say, thank you. Add 67 pounds onto me and it's a big (pun not intended) difference. My BMI still classes me as obese. I don't agree with that.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, I takes no time at all to gain it and years to lose it. That I have lost weight seems miraculous to me. I really like shrimp.

Pixie said...

You look fabulous and you look happy. Lovely.

Sandra said...

Pixie, Thank you for your compliment. I am much better.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Looking good! Glad you are feeling so much better!!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Far Side. I am hopeful you are better?