Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A Pleasant Evening

Friday was our Christmas meal. I started having sinus problems on Monday, which worsened as the week went on. Thursday was better and by yesterday I was much better, so we had our delayed meal of roasted duck, escalloped potatoes and roasted asparagus. It was quite good, even if I do say so myself.

This guy thought so.

Later, we topped the evening off with a little bit of blueberry tart.

I will turn what is left of the duck into soup. As I was typing this I thought, maybe with gnocchi? Have you ever made gnocchi? If you have or you have eaten homemade, you would not touch those little rubbery things in the grocery store. It's been awhile, I should make some. Why is it I did more of that sort of thing when I was busy and now that I have ample time, I don't? One of the mysteries of the universe.


Anvilcloud said...

I have lived a gnocchi-less life.

Sandra said...

Oh, how sad, AC.๐Ÿ˜‰

nick said...

I haven't had gnocchi for ages. I guess we Brits prefer our own version of dumplings (but I'm not sure what the difference is).
And yes, now I'm retired I'm far too busy to keep up with everything!

Miss Merry said...

What a lovely dinner!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

That sounds like quite a feast! Please let us know if you try gnocchis.

Boud said...

That looks wonderful. And he's so contented. I love homemade pasta, ages since I did gnocchi, thanks for the reminder. Also homemade ravioli. I love the waiting for them to surface, it's really fun cooking.

Boud said...

And I rudely omitted to say I'm sorry you were under the weather but very happy you were able to do justice to that great meal.

Sandra said...

I like fluffy dumplings, matzah balls and gnocchi, nick. It's easy to make, I guess I just sort of forgot. It is odd so many people are busier when retired!

Sandra said...

I was very good, Miss Merry. I often say we should use the dining room table more often, then don't.

Sandra said...

I am going to make them soon. I make gnocchi without egg, they are so light, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

It's been ages for me, too Boud. Pasta is easy, why do I bot make it?

Sandra said...

I'm relieved I feel better, thanks. The duck needed to be made.

Rita said...

Never had gnocchi. Had to google it--lol! I have led a plain food life. ;)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Food sure looks mouth watering.

Ami said...

Now I'm wishing I picked up some blueberries, I have everything else I need for a lovely dessert. Your table looks very nice. Mine has a bag of crafts from work, four gallon sized ziplock bags with different eyelash yarns in them and at the end of the table is a stack of clean towels that hasn't made it to the closet yet. That's why you won't see photos of my table. LOL

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are in recovery from your illness.
The meal, the table setting looks beautiful and with the lights in the background very festive. The pattern on the china is unique and colorful, I like it.
I hope you continue to feel better with each passing day.

Lori Skoog said...

I must be watching the cooking channel! I can see why Mark loves your meals! Feel better and jump into a very happy New Year!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, glad you were feeling a bit better to prepare that lovely looking dinner. Duck is always enjoyed outside our kitchen in a restaurant instead, maybe I will change that in future and try it here. But, gnocchi is not a pasta either of us enjoy so it’s not on any dinner menu.

Val Ewing said...

I had to look up gnocchi also. I thought it was a 'game'. Yup, that's me, ... we never learned about other foods, just the basics. :)

Sandra said...

Rita, it really depends on your culture and where you live. I grew up in St. Paul, a city at that time that still had ethnic neighborhoods. Go a few blocks you could basically enter a new country!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Dora!

Sandra said...

Ami, you should have seen my kitchen the next day! Mess is an understatement. Get yourself some blueberries. You won't regret it.

Sandra said...

Kaye, I've had this china for over forty years and still love it! I enjoyed decorating this year and I glad I did it. I feel a little better everyday. Chronic sinus problems , the bane of my life.

Sandra said...

I have enjoyed cooking most of my life. At one point in my life it was a stress releaser. It is a creative outlet we can literally consume!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Dorothy. Duck is remarkably easy to make. Have you had handmade gnocchi? There is a world of difference from what you buy.

Sandra said...

Val, I grew up with what I would call American and Italian American food. But my dad liked to make chow mein and after living in San Diego, my mother was crazy for Mexican food. Fortunately, there was a vibrant Mexican community on St. Paul's Westside. Now St. Paul has the largest Hmong population in the US and Minneapolis has a large Somali population. Different cultures, different food.

Far Side of Fifty said...

What pretty place settings and food!

Val Ewing said...

That is something we don't have much of here. Most of the restaurants for ages were strictly along Scandinavian types of food.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Far Side!

Sandra said...

Odd coming from MN, but that and German food is something I did not have, Val.

e said...

Lovely! I am glad you feel better.

Sandra said...

Thank you, e.