Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, December 16, 2024

What Can I say....Gatto

I decided to decorate. I have not done so since 2018, the last time we had company, and it was limited then. Gatto is much more interested in the packing than in the contents. He's a basic kind of dude.

The son sent me a text a couple of days ago saying he and his wife will visit Saturday. He will bring the food. This sounded fine by me. I'm sure the impulse to decorate came from knowing we will have company. It's amazing to me how much I have. Only about a quarter of it will be used. I think I may have had an over-the-top personality at one time. Now I'm more like an under-the-covers type.

I placed a pick-up order from Total Wine for 21 bottles of NA wine. They had twenty percent off, what's a person to do? It is the holiday season, afterall. Cheers!


Far Side of Fifty said...

Nothing happier than a cat in a box!

Sandra said...

That is a true statement, Far Side!!

Rita said...

Love seeing Gatto! Cats and toddlers always seem more interested in the packaging that what was in them--lol! Enjoy your visit!! :)

Lori Skoog said...

The Christmas spirit has found you!!!

Anonymous said...

I adore that last photo of Gatto. I could just kiss him he has such a sweet face yet mischievous at the same time.
I like to read the newspapers that I have wrapped things.
Take Care,

Anvilcloud said...

The cat looks like it drank some of your wine.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The is one happy, content cat in a box

Boud said...

That Cat In The Box is planning something. Probably related to decorations.

CheerfulMonk said...

What sweet pictures of Gatto!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm bad I haven't put anything up for Christmas.

Val Ewing said...

Just bring out boxes with paper inside of them and the cats will all think they hit the motherlode for Christmas.
Enjoy your visit on Saturday. We might get company then too.
Happy decorating!

Sandra said...

Isn't that the truth, Rita!

Sandra said...

It has, Lori. It's been in hiding for years.

Sandra said...

I thought about reading some of the newspapers, Kaye. Gatto is a sweety with tight naughty pants!

Sandra said...

Ha! He would be sorely disappointed if he thought he'd get a buzz, AC.

Sandra said...

He does love a box, Jo-Anne.

Sandra said...

You read him well, Boud.

Sandra said...

He is a perfect model, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

Gatto is particularly captivated by boxes, Val. I'm sure the visit will be pleasant and all I'll need to do is light a fire!

Sandra said...

You went to spam, Dora. I have not put up a thing for 6 years. I'm actually enjoying doing it.