Is this Rocky or one of Rocky's kidlets?
There were two of them so I'm thinking the latter.
I don't think the cat the food is put out for is getting it anymore. There was a beautiful dark grey cat eating yesterday. He was vocal. Big puffy cheeks so very likely male. Racoons are top of the food chain lining up for a snack, beating out cats and possums. This or those racoons seem to be bringing me gifts, as there are lots of bits of gravel showing up around the bowl. They are thoughtful.
I like your raccoon and also admired the opossum below... I have lots of birds in my birdhouse, where I always diligently put out food.
I have seen a rabbit and a fox at the house, but that was a while ago.
Best wishes from Viola to you.
Around here the squirrels get the food. They get around even ingenious baffles, just can't get ahead of them.
I've had enough near encounters with them to believe they are on top of the heap.
Top of the heap? Yes. My uncle got chased into his house once when he objected to a racoon eating his persimmons. He never objected again.
I'm not too fond of 'possum or raccoon as they decimated my chickens years ago. But that is my opinion on these guys.
Lots around here and they do chase, so I avoid them.
They are both very cute, Viola! There are too many cats around so I don't feed the birds. I'm seeing rabbits this tear but it's been a long time since I've seen a fox.
squirrels are wily, Boud.
I haven't had any aggression from them but they eat the food on the deck first. The one that came into the barn as a baby deferred to the cats.
These guys are more skittish, Cheerful. I wouldn't want one to turn on me, though!
I understand that, Val. The order of nature, but we don't have to like it.
They don't chase. If I open the door, they run, e. It would not be good to be chased by them.
They're so cute. I know they can be a pain, but you've got to admire their tenacity.
Raccoons are fascinating. As long as they keep running away when they see you and they don't make a way into your attic or any outbuildings you're okay. But I'd keep an eye on roofs and such when it comes time to have babies in the spring. I you have dogs? Outside big dogs do usually keep them away. They can get to be quite destructive. Occasionally aggressive, but mostly destructive.
Despite that, they do absolutely charm me. When I was a teenager I worked at my first pet shop and we actually sold wild critters like raccoons and monkeys and skunks. Not legal in the Twin Cities for decades, thank goodness. Raccoons can climb and open things almost like a monkey. Convinced me never to have either of them--lol! I did have a skunk, though. ;)
While I have read some accounts of their destructive nature, I will admit they are very attractive masked critters.
They are very cute. I'm overrun with cuteness, Pixie! You know how difficult it is for creatures in a cold winter.
A skunk! Obviously descented.😄 I don't have dogs anymore. Keetah, the last one, died 6/23. These are not aggressive. Rocky lived in the barn as a lone baby, we thought Rocky was a he, until she showed up on the front porch with 4 Rockets. I think this is one of the youngsters., Rita.
They are cute, Dorothy.
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