I do not like Daylight Saving Time.
What time is being saved? Changing a clock does not add or save time. There. I got that said.
The day is shorter for me, as I've lost an hour. You thought I was done with my complaint. So did I. Can you tell I really don't like this? Onward. My spurt of ambition on Friday led to very sore muscles on Saturday. You know you are in bad shape when cleaning a small bathroom leaves you in some serious pain and misery. Yesterday was a sitting and sorting kind of day. I actually put a lot of things where they belong after quite some time being out of place. Like clothing. Ah, the excitement of life in my home.
Since I felt as if I ran the Boston Marathon, dinner was a quick meal of leftover chicken with pasta. The marvelous value of leftovers. It's a warm, sunny day, I feel ok, except the time is off.
I slept about as long as I always do and rose too early as I always do. We saw a moment of weak sunshine on our little walk, so that was a positive.
Yup! I know I am in really bad shape. I am guaranteed to have bad days after a good one where I can get more physical things done.
I also really, really dislike DST. I am all messed up today. Didn't bother me when I was younger and busier. Funny that it drives me crazy for a week or more now--lol!
We shall adjust. No dang choice. ;)
I woke up and didn't even think about the time change until I made coffee and saw the stove was an hour different than my watch that changed automatically.
I'm just happy that it means we are a few days closer to March 20th which signals spring....or more March madness!
I hate the time change too. Now it will stay light until 7:30 at night and it is too cold to be outside.
Your chicken and pasta dish looks delicious. We were lazy and threw a pizza in the oven. Sorry about the pain and misery. Hope you get relief soon.
I hope you start feeling better soon. I would prefer no daylight savings time too.
I'm not a fan of daylight savings time either. It makes both Katie and Jack miserable for a week, messing with their sleep schedules.
Have you tried a hot bath with epsom salts. My massage therapist always tell me to do it and I never do, until I did once, and it worked!
It takes me awhile to adjust to the time change. This morning I was taking a shower at 6 and it was really 5. So tired now!!! Does heat help you when you are sore? And stretches?
I'm with you and I made it even worse by having a grandchild sleepover. I am going to be tired and grouchy all week.
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