Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

After the Fall

The last couple of days the pain from my tumble was bad. Today is somewhat better, thankfully. It's no surprise that I hurt, I landed on a wood floor with a clunk. It's a sunny, mild day and I was just informed by Mark he is taking the afternoon off to strip some stalls. This is a fine example of our lives.....take an afternoon off to do a different form of work! I do not know how we manage such exciting lives!

This poor photo of last evenings dinner is not up to how good the food was. I had a small amount of leftover steelhead trout I used with asparagus, garlic, tarragon and red peeper (came back to edit this but who wouldn't like red peeper flakes!) flakes in a wee bit of cream. I do love a simple meal, easy to make and good to eat. I bought prosciutto and fresh mozzarella for pizza, something I haven't made for quite awhile. I can tell I haven't been interested in cooking, pizza is normally a regular item. I'm going to go all out and make a dough that spends a couple of days in the refrigerator. I usually don't plan ahead, so I haven't ever made one. Stay tuned.

I'm expecting the son and his wife on Saturday for a delayed celebration of my birthday. He is bringing the food, which makes me very happy. It will be nice to have company. We always saw Bill at least a couple of times a week but he is going through some things and has been absent most of the winter. I realize in his absence how much we enjoyed his visiting. It's been about 18 months since we have seen the DIL and it's been six years since she has been here! They are busy with jobs and life and time can slip away. I do need to remove cat hair before they arrive. Life in a cat house.

May we all take the time to say hello to those in our lives.



Anonymous said...

I am glad you are feeling better. The days following an injury are the worst. It brings to mind last week when speaking of the magic of ordinary days. Uneventful days are the best but not appreciated enough. That brings to mind song lyrics.."you don't know what you have until its gone." Joni Mitchell, I think?
Take Care,

Sandra said...

......they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. Yes, Kaye. Joni Mitchell! I used to appreciate the ordinary days because I had so few of them. Now I seem to have too many, but I'll take that over the stress of a zillion trouble-making equines pulling my stress chain!

Boud said...

I know that period of high stress when you long for a dull day. Then you get some. Hm.

I'm glad you're doing better. It's always worst the couple of days after a fall.

Pixie said...

Glad you're feeling better after your fall. Falls scare the shit out of me know. I have FOF, fear of falling:)

Have a lovely visit with your son and daughter in law.

Sandra said...

Boud, isn't that the truth. I yearned for empty time, and then, yes....Hmm
I am better, I can actually move around. Yippee

Sandra said...

Pixie, I've become very aware of the risk of falling. With my already compromised balance add in loss of strength and I can see the potential nursing home in my future! I would be a horrid patient.

It should be nice. He will not be told about the fall. He was questioning my life before I became physically compromised, I can hear it now if I told him! Well meaning, for sure, but I do what I want and I have someone who supports our choices. So there!!

Anvilcloud said...

That must have been a pretty hard fall. Hopefully, you'll be good by the weekend.

Sandra said...

AC, it was a hard fall. I had my hands full and didn’t get a chance to do anything to buffer the fall. Nothing broken, which is very good. All I need to do on Saturday is let myself be served! I can do that.

Lori Skoog said...

Glad you are on the mend and looking forward to your son's visit. And you don't even have to cook!
Little Wonder would love to meet you and Mark some day!

Sandra said...

Lori, I is wish we could travel to NY and meet not only LW, but both of you. And the two big boys.

37paddington said...

I’m so sorry you fell. I’m wrestling with the incursions of body betrayals over here so I fully grasp not lifting one’s foot high enough. Secure shoes are a must these days. One of your commenters recommended Crocs. I’m going to try them!

Sandra said...

37paddington, I am unsteady and must realize I am vulnerable to falling. It was a bad fall, I fortunate to have strong bones. I'm sorry it's a problem for you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Ouch, Sandra, sorry to read (a bit later) about your tumble and hope you will be feeling better soon. I often worry about missing a step, which I have been known to do, or misstepping on an uneven pavement. It can be worrisome the older we get (sigh). Glad that there were no broken bones, a good thing for sure.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, thanks. I am very unsteady on my feet so I need to pay attention and don't always do that. I had a bone density scan a couple of years ago and found my bones are in great shape. That is a blessing!