Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Quiet Friday

Go away, let me sleep.


I finally got around to making a clafoutis yesterday They are so simple to make I have to wonder why I make one maybe once a year? I use Julia Child's recipe, I like it the best. I loved watching her PBS cooking show, what a character. I have two of her cookbooks, not the first one. That one is a tome. This is strawberry and rhubarb. It's really good. It doesn't photograph well, but trust me.

It's Friday so I am free from lunch making duty. Mark picks up lunch at the deli, it's Philly Friday. We split one and that is more than enough. We will also have a bit of clafoutis to top it off. It's an all day rain, at least that's what's forecast, it hasn't happened yet. Let us just say, we are soaked. I haven't any plans for the day so maybe that means I will do something. That would be a pleasant surprise.

Do or don't do....have a good day.


Boud said...

Clafoutis is simple. I like cherry best but can't be pestered pitting them. Or some such excuse. Maybe I'll make an apple one, plenty of them around the place. Not right now though.

Sandra said...

Boud, I have made them with lots of different fruit. I wonder if you can buy pitted frozen cherries? When the spirit moves you, you will make one.

Boud said...

Only by driving several miles to a supermarket in the next town on the off chance . They're not popular in this market. Frozen fruit is mainly peaches and strawberries. Not that I'm too worried, really.

Sandra said...

Boud, send Gary!

Anvilcloud said...

I did love the tv series.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I had to google clafoutis.

Miss Merry said...

Oh gosh, that is just delicious.

Rita said...

I loved watching her cooking show, too. That reminds me--didn't they make a movie of her life with somebody playing her like Meryl Streep? I should find it if I can. I never did watch it.

Didn't rain up here till early evening. We have really had rain, though. I haven't had to water the petunias since McFamily brought them over on Mother's Day! LOL!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hear there is some flooding in Southern Minnesota. Oh I like anything rhubarb:)

Sandra said...

AC, me, too.

Sandra said...

Dora, it's really easy to make and very good!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, it is. You should make one!

Sandra said...

Rita, yes. Julie and Julia. It's a good movie. I've seen it several times and always enjoy watching it.

We are soaked.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I heard this morning that southern MN and northwestern Iowa had 17"s of rain! I have a friend in NW Iowa whole texted me last night that he was really worried.