Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Big Day Out

I put my best foot forward and walked into a grocery store for the first time since February 2020.

Gatto used to chew on the sliders, so both have a tear in them. Bad boy. I had an appointment with the NP yesterday in Waconia. When I checked in I was told she is in Watertown on Mondays, so the appointment was cancelled and rescheduled. I thought I had not paid attention to the site when I booked online, but when I checked my appointment verification and the appointment reminder, both said Waconia. It wasn't my brain lapse.

Since I didn't have an appointment we went to Aldi. I have been unable to walk more than a few feet at one time, so I have not been doing any shopping, except online for pick-up. I did well for myself. You know your world has narrowed when walking through a grocery store is a monumental event.

I ordered and received a new phone yesterday. An iPhone 15. I didn't need a new phone, but Mark did. He uses his phone as a phone only, with occasional texting. So, he gets my old phone and I get a new one. The "old" phone is only three years old. They are disgustingly expensive gadgets we cannot do without. Apple is up to their old ways and has changed the charging cord, so I had to order that.  Mark has inherited an iPhone 12. Lucky me, I will be helping him navigate the different way of opening the screen. That doesn't sound like much, but believe me, it will be a big deal. Of course, I had difficulty activating the phone. They have now gone to eSIMs, no longer using a physical SIM card. That was fun. Goodbye any plans for the afternoon.

Remember when the phone company installed a phone and that was it? Life seemed simpler, but you couldn't play solitaire on your hand-held computer. So, there's that.


Rita said...

Having a "mobile" phone meant you had the extra, extra long cord so that you could talk on the phone while you walked around the room...well, halfway around the room, anyways. Phones that weren't attached to the wall?! Dream on! That was like science fiction!

You could put the phone in the crook of your shoulder, clamp it down with your head, and play solitaire with a deck of cards on the table while you chatted with your best friend for hours. That's IF it was a local call and your folks didn't shout at you to get off the family phone because they were expecting a call. Ahh! Memories.

I had a girlfriend in high school who had a pink princess phone in her bedroom...with a private line! (Only child of older parents.) Now that was the life! A dream!

Now I can talk on a phone outside, from the doctors, in the store...almost anywhere! And call long distance...no extra charge! The phone remembers the telephone numbers for me...and does many more things than I know how to ask it to do--lol!

I definitely prefer my cell phone. ;)

Sandra said...

Rita, yes the long, looped cord! I agree it's a great invention, but something I cam spend too much time with. But I get to listen to books and play solitaire anytime I want to! They are expensive, though. I guess that justifies using them so much. :)

Anvilcloud said...

I am still using an XR. Sue has a 13. I think I read that Europe forced them to change to the more standard USB3 connectivity, but I may be mistaken.

Sandra said...

AC, Apple got into some trouble about that a few years ago and then made them the same as all the others. I was surprise when I tried to plug it in and couldn't. Now I can't use it until sometime tomorrow when the stuff comes. It's all about nickel and dime-ing after spending a lot initially.

Boud said...

Since I'm staunchly anti Apple, I have an Android smartphone. And since I'm also staunchly against spending $$ on electronics, it's a $79 phone. Since I'm also staunchly against Big Provider I deal with Tracfone, get an annual refill of minutes, comes to about $12 a month. I never run out. Or drop a call.

So that's me.

Sandra said...

I guess I see them all sort of the same, as far as greed is concerned, Boud. As a company I don't have much respect for Apple, but I have only used Apple products from the beginning and it's what I know. I use Credo Mobile, they support causes I agree with using part of the profits. I still use the iMac and I really do like how it operates. I've used Mark's Dell occasionally and really don't like windows! We are just flies in the web.

e said...

Thanks for the heads up on Credo Mobile. I have used Tracfone in the past with no problems and only use my phone as a phone. This 9 year old lap top works just fine and I agree that companies are self-perpetuating, damn the cost to the consumer. Were you okay in the store?

Pixie said...

I remember having a cord in my old kitchen that was long enough that I could talk on the phone and work in the kitchen, loved it. Now people don't want to talk on the phone. Sigh.

Congrats on your grocery shopping:)

Sandra said...

e, I'm afraid I am attached to my smart phone. Not as bad as a lot of people, but it is handy. I was fine in the store. I had a cart to lean of and did fine. It was strange, though, to think of how long it's been. I don't know if I want to remember how housebound I was.

Sandra said...

Yes, I think we all had one of those, Pixie! I know what you mean, I don't seem to have anyone to talk to, they all want text messages. Texting is good for quick messages and such, but it's rather a cold way to communicate.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yeah to both your supermarket outing and the upgraded iPhone, Sandra, and poor Mark who gets the hand-me-down, which will still work fine. We upgraded last year from iPhone 10 to 14 because we wanted more storage for our upcoming trips back then. Most likely, it will be another 3 years before another uograde. This year the computers were upgraded, so that's quite enough for this year. technology changes too fast, but my wallet cannot affort to keep up.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I think my phone is good five years old.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, you know your world has shrunk when going to the grocery store becomes an event! Don't feel to bad for Mark, he gets an iPhone 12. He had a 7. I will need to buy a computer in the near future.

Sandra said...

Dora, The phone I had the longest was the 7. I only got a new phone now because Mark's was failing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like Apple products, for us they have been no hassle after the original set up...unlike Windows:(

Sandra said...

I'm with you, Far Side. Mark has problems with the Dell. I never have a problem until the system updates aren't supported anymore. But that is years in. I'm at that point with the Mac but I wait until the party is over!

Val Ewing said...

I think in a way, I liked the old phone system. I can recall my grandparents having a phone and they had a party line.

I think it was more fun than today's FB. Grandpa could collect all the gossip he needed just by listening.

Phone calls were planned events.
I spent summers without a phone and without a TV. Once in a while the radio would work.

Sandra said...

Val, my grandma had a party line. My personal opinion is that the smart phones have made it too easy to spend your life looking at a screen and I think it's not healthy for children. This from someone who is not around children. When I stayed with my grandma there was no tv but it didn't matter then.There's good and not so good in modern life.