Imitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion.
Jean de la Fontaine
Yesterday I looked in at moments of perfect clarity and read about the new widget everyone has been adding. The thing at the bottom of a post that has past posts displayed. I said I didn't have an interest in it, and low-and-behold, here it is on my blog. Couldn't help myself. I don't know if I'll leave it, but I just had to have it!
So get out the shears, I'm a sheep.
Yes, as I said to the other Julie - I just added it to mine too. I am trying it through the weekend...
I am probably the only one who is interested in seeing posts I have forgotten about.
We'll see what Monday brings.
I have no convictions. : )
I sis the same thing as I saw it popping up on other blogs. What is the saying? If someone jumped off a cliff, would you follow? I've always said no but succumbed! So much for MY convictions! HA!
Forgot to add...I love that first picture! Wow...incredible to say the least.
I have *no* idea what you are all talking about so it doesn't matter much what my convictions are. Please do not enlighten me ere I be tempted to fiddle & crash yet another blog.
That sheep has had the first of its shearing, like me! Ganeida, if you look at the bottom of each of my posts you'll see three boxes and on the right, under them, it says 'get this widget'. RESIST. I want to believe someone can be of independent mind!
i know this feeling...the sheep thing. the peer pressure made me do it. happy i'm not the only one. :-)
I've resisted the wallpaper lots of people have. I've been making my own!
It's the height of egocentricity, as I am the one who reads my own past posts. : )
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