Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Blurry-Eyed Lady

I had an eye exam yesterday and it was about time. My glasses had broke so I was wearing a very old pair. Let's say I wasn't eagle-eyed in them. My distance vision has improved slightly and my eyes are in good health. Hurrah! I spent the rest of yesterday blurry-eyed from the drops. I was so dilated I could see only the iris. I had black eyes. Now I need to buy glasses. 

Otherwise, I'm still suffering the consequences of my over-zealous exercising. The PT told me not to exert myself too much and I didn't think I was. What I thought and what my body knew were very different things. Lesson learned, I'm in worse shape than I thought.

We are having strange weather. My app shows us in the 40s F into January. What? It's bizarre. It's more like October. I made chicken stock, I know..shocking, and will turn it into soup, I think with dumplings. They sound good to me. That's about it from here.


Far Side of Fifty said...

It is the pits when you have to get your eyes dilated and then pick out glasses when you can't see a thing. I get my script and then go to Walmart:)

Boud said...

You'll be glad when you get the new ones and can see again. The trick with not overdoing is that you don't know till later.

Sandra said...

Far Side, there was no way I could have picked out glasses, my whole world was a blur! I buy online, I have twice and it's worked for me.

Sandra said...

Boud, yes, the world is a blur with the old glasses, eyes dilated or not. You are correct. I had no idea I had overdone, I felt fine. Until the next day. I won't do that again.

Val Ewing said...

Nice that some vision improved! How the heck does that happen! LOL!

It is supposed to rain and be foggy tomorrow and rainy through the weekend.

Oh and I hate those eye drops!

The Happy Whisk said...

I had mine looked not all that long ago and the same black eyes. I hope you didn't get a headache. And I hope your body feels better soon.

e said...

I hope you feel better soon and chicken soup is good no matter the weather.

Pixie said...

I had a massage yesterday and I'm very sore. I dislocated a couple of ribs, coughing, when I had covid in October. My massage therapist worked on those yesterday and today I'm paying the price.

Take care and have a lovely, quiet day. Uninivitng your son and DIL was a kindness.

Sandra said...

Ivy, the black eyes were spooky! I didn't get a headache.

Sandra said...

I don't know how that happens, Val! We are supposed to have the same weather. Strange.

Sandra said...

e, it is. I didn't make the soup yesterday, so today is the day.

Sandra said...

Pixie, the first time I had a massage I cursed the ground she walked on! Two days later I felt fabulous and took it all back. Hope it makes you feel better.

My son told me yesterday that I was right, she isn't ready for socializing. I was sorry that's so but felt better about what I did.

Lori Skoog said...

New glasses....exercising! Making chicken and dumplings! All sounds good. We were in the low 20s this morning but should be above freezing for a week. Take it easy......

Anonymous said...

You are a good mother in law/person. The holidays are a fraught time with a myriad of emotions/memories, good, bad, happy and sad. If there is one thing I have learned it is everyone should be allowed to grieve in their own way and in own their time. A kind gesture on your part, a kind Mom.
Take Care,

Bohemian said...

I'm due to have my annual Diabetic Eye Exam, I think it should go well. Glad yours went okay, dilation is hard and feels weird until it subsides.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We also had eye checkups recently as to reorder contact lenses, an annual exam is needed. My husband also decided to get his eyes checked nit that he was having difficulty, but precautionary measure. Thankfully, no issues for either of us. I have had cataract surgery a couple of years ago and distance vision is fine, but readers needed for close up seeing. The solution is to wear a contact in my left eye with the strength if the reading glasses and it works well. Dilation can be annoying, good luck with the new glasses, Sandra.

Barwitzki said...

Overzealous activities that sounds very familiar... I know it.
I wish you a good rest and above all a good Christmas - in case you celebrate it. But in any case, have a happy new year.
Kind regards from Viola
Chicken soup sounds great.

Sandra said...

Lori, I have definitely been taking it easy!

Sandra said...

Thank you Kaye. I did try to do the right thing. I personally can do without Christmas.

Sandra said...

Dawn, I was unable to see! I don't remember being that fogged up. Good luck on your exam.

Sandra said...

Beatrice, it's good all went smooth for all of us! The contact idea is a good one. I'm still cataract free.

Sandra said...

Thank you , Viola. To you, too!